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Abbeville Press, Inc.

Abbeville Kids is an imprint for high-quality illustrated books that appeal to the youth market. The company believes that publishing illustrated books is a distinct specialty, requiring exacting standards of editorial, design, and production savoir-faire. Imprints: Artabras, Modern Masters, Abbeville Kids, Abbeville Gifts

Specifically interested in books with these subjects or themes: children's illustrated books

Main Address: 137 Varick Street 5th Floor
New York NY 10013 USA
Phone: (212) 366-5585
Fax: (212) 366-6966
Updated 9/20/2010

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Abbeville Press, Inc.
116 W. 23rd Street
New York New York 10011

(646) 375-2039

(646) 375-2040
Updated 10/18/2005
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Results 1 - 25 of 258     # per page:
Title, Creators, Comments / Reviews Ages Date Published
1. Alex Morgan (World Soccer Legends) (Hardcover)
    Author: Illugi Jökulsson
(Unknown)  03/24/2015
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2. Felix's Christmas Around the World with Envelope (Hardcover)
    Author: Annette Langen
    Illustrator: Constanza Droop
Ages 4-8 10/1998
20 Reviews  
3. I Dream of an Elephant (Abbeville Kids) (Hardcover)
    Author: Ami Rubinger
    Illustrator: Ami Rubinger
Ages 4-8 05/04/2010
89 Reviews  
4. Messi, Neymar, and Su�rez: The Barcelona Trio (World Soccer Legends) (Ha...
    Author: Illugi Jökulsson
(Unknown)  09/13/2016
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5. Ping and Pong the Penguins (Talking Back) (Hardcover)
    Illustrator: Sylviane Gangloff
(Unknown)  09/15/2015
6 Reviews  
6. Letters from Felix: A Little Rabbit on a World Tour with Other (Hardcover)
    Author: Annette Langen
    Illustrator: Constanza Droop
Ages 4-8 09/02/1997
75 Reviews  
7. Big Cat, Small Cat (Hardcover)
    Author: Ami Rubinger
Ages 4-8 08/25/2009
62 Reviews  
8. Ronaldo (Hardcover)
    Author: Illugi Jökulsson
(Unknown)  02/24/2015
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9. Stars of World Tennis (World Tennis Legends) (Hardcover)
    Author: Illugi Jökulsson
(Unknown)  07/05/2016
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10. The Revolutionary War: 1775-1783 (See American History) (Hardcover)
    Author: Alan Axelrod
    Illustrator: Mort Künstler
(Unknown)  04/26/2016
1 Reviews  
11. The Civil War: 1861-1865 (See American History) (Hardcover)
    Author: Alan Axelrod
    Illustrator: Mort Künstler
(Unknown)  04/12/2016
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12. The Wild West: 1804-1890 (See American History) (Hardcover)
    Author: James I. Jr Robertson
    Illustrator: Mort Künstler
(Unknown)  11/08/2016
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13. World War II: 1939-1945 (See American History) (Hardcover)
    Author: James I. Jr Robertson
    Illustrator: Mort Künstler
(Unknown)  11/08/2016
5 Reviews  
14. Everett the Incredibly Helpful Helper (Hardcover)
    Author: Sue Anne Morrow
    Illustrator: C. G. Williams
Ages 4-8 10/21/2008
3 Reviews  
15. Felix Joins the Circus with Envelope and Other (Hardcover)
    Author: Annette Langen, Laura Lindgren
    Illustrator: Constanza Droop
Ages 4-8 04/2000
9 Reviews  
16. The Journey: Plateosaurus (Dinosaurs) (v. 1) (Hardcover)
    Illustrator: Matteo Bacchin
Ages 4-8 08/19/2008
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17. Felix Travels Back in Time with Other (Hardcover)
    Author: Annette Langen
    Illustrator: Constanza Droop
Ages 4-8 10/1995
20 Reviews  
18. Stars of Women's Soccer (Hardcover)
    Author: Illugi Jökulsson
(Unknown)  09/15/2015
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19. The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats: A Fairy Tale (Little Pebbles) (Hard...
    Author: Jacob Grimm, Molly Stevens
    Illustrator: Claudine Routiaux
Ages 4-8 09/01/2001
4 Reviews  
20. Circus (Funny Fingers Books) (Board book)
    Author: Karin Blume, Brigitte Pokornik
Baby−PreK 05/01/1996
3 Reviews  
21. Brave Wolf and the Thunderbird: Tales of the People (Hardcover)
    Author: Joseph Medicine Dr Crow, Medicine Crow
    Illustrator: Linda R. Martin
Ages 4-8 08/01/1998
12 Reviews  
22. The Endurance: Shackleton's Perilous Expedition in Antartica (Hardcover)
    Author: M. P. Robertson, Meredith Hooper
Ages 4-8 02/01/2001
6 Reviews  
23. How Raven Stole the Sun (Tales of the People) (Hardcover)
    Author: Maria Williams
    Illustrator: Felix Vigil
Ages 4-8 06/01/2001
5 Reviews  
24. The Butterfly Dance (Tales of the People) (Hardcover)
    Author: Gerald Dawavendewa
Ages 4-8 04/01/2001
4 Reviews  
25. Heroes: Great Men Through the Ages (Hardcover)
    Author: Rebecca Hazell
Ages 4-8 03/01/1997
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