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Atman Press

he name Atman comes from the ancient Sanskrit language and means soul. Founded in 1996, Atman Press is an independent publishing house headquartered in Columbus Georgia. Atman Press publishes India Unveiled, a 224-page coffee table book on India, with text and photographs by Robert Arnett, that has won three national book awards, and Finders Keepers?, a 32-page colorfully illustrated book by Smita Turakhia, which is a true story by Robert Arnett, that has won four national book awards.

Specifically interested in books with these subjects or themes: India

Main Address: PMB 345 2525 Auburn Avenue
Columbus Georgia 31906 USA
Phone: (706)323-6377
Fax: (706)321-1140
Updated 10/23/2006

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Manuscript SubmissionsPolicy: email at: [email protected] (Robert Arnett)
Contact Information:Mr. Robert Arnett
[email protected]
Updated 10/23/2006
All Books   Books by JacketFlap members
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Results 1 - 9 of 9     # per page:
Title, Creators, Comments / Reviews Ages Date Published
1. Finders Keepers? (India Unveiled Childrens Series, 1) (Hardcover)
    Author: Robert A. Arnett
    Illustrator: Smita Turakhia
Ages 4-8 10/15/2003
26 Reviews  
2. Finders Keepers? A True Story in India (India Unveiled Childrens Series)...
    Author: Robert Arnett
    Illustrator: Smita Turakhia
Ages 9-12 01/20/2013
29 Reviews  
3. India Unveiled (Hardcover)
    Author: Robert Arnett
(Unknown)  12/1996
4 Reviews  
4. India Unveiled (Hardcover)
    Author: Robert Arnett
(Unknown)  01/1999
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5. India Unveiled (Hardcover)
    Author: Robert Arnett
(Unknown)  07/15/2006
31 Reviews  
6. India Unveiled (Hardcover)
    Author: Robert Arnett
(Unknown)  08/2002
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7. India Unveiled (Hardcover)
    Author: Robert Arnett
(Unknown)  04/2006
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8. �Es mio? (Spanish Edition) (India Unveiled Childrens Series) (Hardcover)
    Author: Robert Arnett
    Illustrator: Smita Turakhia
Ages 9-12 01/20/2013
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9. India Unveiled (Hardcover)
    Author: Robert A. Arnett
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