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Black & White Publishing

Black & White Publishing is a member of the Scottish Publishers' Association. For further information, please visit

Specifically interested in books with these subjects or themes: children's fiction in english/scottish language

Main Address: 99 Giles Street
Edinburgh EH6 6BZ Scotland
Phone: 0131 625 4500.
Updated 3/18/2009

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Results 1 - 11 of 11     # per page:
Title, Creators, Comments / Reviews Ages Date Published
1. The GFG: The Guid Freendly Giant: The BFG in Scots (Kindle Edition)
    Author: Roald Dahl
    Illustrator: Quentin Blake
(Unknown)  06/30/2016
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2. Precious and the Puggies: Precious Ramotswe's Very First Case (No. 1 Lad...
    Author: Alexander McCall Smith
    Illustrator: Iain McIntosh
(Unknown)  04/04/2011
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3. A Wee Book O Fairy Tales in Scots (Itchy Coo) (Hardcover)
    Author: James Robertson, Matthew Fitt
    Illustrator: Deborah Campbell
Ages 4-8 11/19/2007
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4. The Eejits (Itchy Coo) (Paperback)
    Author: Roald Dahl
    Illustrator: Quentin Blake
(Unknown)  10/01/2007
4,993 Reviews  
5. Rabbie's Rhymes: Burns for Wee Folk (Katie) (Board book)
    Author: Robert Burns
    Illustrator: Karen Sutherland
Ages 4-8 03/13/2009
7 Reviews  
6. Katie's Moose (Board book)
    Author: Matthew Fitt
    Illustrator: Karen Anne Sutherland
(Unknown)  01/09/2007
3 Reviews  
7. Animal ABC: A Wee Scots Alphabet (Itchy Coo) (Hardcover)
    Author: Susan Rennie
(Unknown)  /2005
6 Reviews  
8. The GFG: The Guid Freendly Giant (the BFG in Scots) (Scots Edition) (Pap...
    Author: Roald Dahl
    Illustrator: Quentin Blake
(Unknown)  06/30/2016
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9. Beau Peep (Unknown Binding)
    Author: Roger Kettle
(Unknown)  /1981
2 Reviews  
10. A Wee Book O Fairy Tales in Scots (Itchy Coo) [Hardcover] (Unknown Binding)
    Author: Matthew Fitt
(Unknown)  /2007
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11. The Gruffalo in Scots by Julia Donaldson (2012-08-01) (Paperback)
    Author: Julia Donaldson
(Unknown)  /1888
8 Reviews
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