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Blue Sky Press

(Imprint of Scholastic, Inc.)

Pulishers of David Shannons' work - "A Bad Case of Stripes'. Scholastic, the global children's publishing and media company, has a corporate mission supported through all of its divisions of instilling the love of reading and learning for lifelong pleasure in all children. Scholastic, for more than 80 years, has created products and services that educate, entertain and motivate children.

Specifically interested in books with these subjects or themes: hardcover fiction and non-fiction, including novels and picture books.

Main Address: 557 Broadway Avenue
New York NY 10012 USA
Phone: 212-343-6100
Fax: 212-343-6930
Updated 8/16/2006

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Manuscript SubmissionsPolicy: not currently accepting unsolicited submissions due to large backlog of books.
Contact Information: Bonnie Verburg
Editorial Director
Blue Sky Press
557 Broadway
New York NY 10012
Updated 3/19/2006
Illustrator SubmissionsPolicy: for illustrations, query with samples or tearsheets. responds only if interested, samples only returned with sase.
All Books   Books by JacketFlap members
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Results 1 - 25 of 420     # per page:
Title, Creators, Comments / Reviews Ages Date Published
1. The New Captain Underpants Collection (Books 1-5) (Paperback)
    Author: Dav Pilkey
    Illustrator: Dav Pilkey
Ages 4-8 08/2002
449 Reviews  
2. How Do Dinosaurs Say Merry Christmas? (Hardcover)
    Author: Jane Yolen
    Illustrator: Mark Teague
Ages 4-8 09/01/2012
184 Reviews  
3. How Do Dinosaurs Say Goodnight? (Hardcover)
    Author: Jane Yolen
    Illustrator: Mark Teague
Baby−PreK 04/01/2000
1,277 Reviews  
4. Dog Heaven (Hardcover)
    Author: Cynthia Rylant
Baby−PreK 09/01/1995
1,053 Reviews  
5. It's Christmas, David! (Hardcover)
    Author: David Shannon
Ages 4-8 09/01/2010
412 Reviews  
6. How Do Dinosaurs Play with Their Friends? (Board book)
    Author: Jane Yolen
    Illustrator: Mark Teague
Baby−PreK 08/01/2006
255 Reviews  
7. The Tra-la-laaa-mendous Captain Underpants Collection (Books 5-8) (Paper...
    Author: Dav Pilkey
Ages 4-8 10/01/2008
133 Reviews  
8. No, David! (Hardcover)
    Author: David Shannon
    Illustrator: David Shannon
Baby−PreK 09/01/1998
3,293 Reviews  
9. The Captain Underpants Extra-Crunchy Book o' Fun (Paperback)
    Author: Dav Pilkey
    Illustrator: Dav Pilkey
Ages 4-8 03/01/2001
146 Reviews  
10. How Do Dinosaurs Say Happy Chanukah? (Hardcover)
    Author: Jane Yolen
    Illustrator: Mark Teague
Ages 4-8 09/01/2012
86 Reviews  
11. How Do Dinosaurs Go to Sleep? (Board book)
    Author: Jane Yolen
    Illustrator: Mark Teague
(Unknown)  08/30/2016
36 Reviews  
12. David Gets In Trouble (Hardcover)
    Author: David Shannon
    Illustrator: David Shannon
Ages 4-8 09/01/2002
737 Reviews  
13. The Adventures of Ook and Gluk, Kung-Fu Cavemen From the Future (Captain...
    Author: Dav Pilkey
Ages 4-8 05/01/2011
820 Reviews  
14. David Goes To School (Hardcover)
    Author: David Shannon
    Illustrator: David Shannon
Ages 4-8 08/01/1999
955 Reviews  
15. How Do Dinosaurs Say I Love You? (Hardcover)
    Author: Jane Yolen
    Illustrator: Mark Teague
Ages 4-8 10/01/2009
296 Reviews  
16. How Do Dinosaurs Eat Their Food? (Hardcover)
    Author: Jane Yolen
    Illustrator: Mark Teague
Ages 4-8 09/01/2005
406 Reviews  
17. The All New Captain Underpants Extra-Crunchy Book o' Fun 2 (Paperback)
    Author: Dav Pilkey
    Illustrator: Dav Pilkey
Ages 4-8 09/01/2002
87 Reviews  
18. How Do Dinosaurs Clean Their Rooms? (Board book)
    Author: Jane Yolen
    Illustrator: Mark Teague
Baby−PreK 09/01/2004
128 Reviews  
19. How Do Dinosaurs Learn Their Colors? (Board book)
    Author: Jane Yolen
    Illustrator: Mark Teague
Baby−PreK 08/01/2006
125 Reviews  
20. How Do Dinosaurs Go To School? (Hardcover)
    Author: Jane Yolen
    Illustrator: Mark Teague
Ages 4-8 07/01/2007
236 Reviews  
21. Cat Heaven (Hardcover)
    Author: Cynthia Rylant
    Illustrator: Cynthia Rylant
Ages 4-8 09/01/1997
364 Reviews  
22. Poppleton (Paperback)
    Author: Cynthia Rylant
    Illustrator: Mark Teague
Ages 4-8 10/01/1997
92 Reviews  
23. Jangles: A Big Fish Story (Hardcover)
    Author: David Shannon
Ages 4-8 10/01/2012
186 Reviews  
24. The Tra-la-laaa-rific Captain Underpants Collection (Books 1-4) (Paperback)
    Author: Dav Pilkey
Ages 4-8 10/01/2007
72 Reviews  
25. Alice The Fairy (Hardcover)
    Author: David Shannon
    Illustrator: David Shannon
Ages 4-8 10/01/2004
463 Reviews  
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Most Recent 1 - 6 of 6

By Don and Audrey Wood. Bestselling award-winners Don and Au...

Mark Teague likes to find humor in the everyday events of ch...

Spencer has too many toys! His father trips over them, his m...

Colorful dinosaurs ride school buses, deal with bullies, and...

In Don A. Wood's stunning graphic novel, INTO THE VOLCANO, t...