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Dominie Press

(Imprint of Pearson Education)

Pearson Learning Group has the precise solutions to meet your teaching needs and help all your students succeed. Pearson Learning Group is part of Pearson Education, the world's leading publisher of educational materials for grades PreK-12, publishing textbooks, multimedia programs, and online services for use by teachers, administrators, and students

Specifically interested in books with these subjects or themes: learning materials, 3-16, nature, environment, biographies, science, fiction, fairy tales and teaching.

Main Address: 1949 Kellogg Avenue
Carlsbad CA 92008 USA
Phone: 760-431-8000
Fax: 760-431-8777
Updated 2/24/2009

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Photographer SubmissionsPolicy: high-quality photographic books on animals, insects, amphibians, marine and ocean life, habitats, etc.
All Books   Books by JacketFlap members
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Results 1 - 25 of 356     # per page:
Title, Creators, Comments / Reviews Ages Date Published
1. KANGAROOS (Dominie World of Animals) (Paperback)
    Author: Graham Meadows, Claire Vial
(Unknown)  10/14/2004
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2. Crab Apple (Ten Word Books) (Hardcover)
    Author: Bob Reese
Ages 4-8 09/1997
10 Reviews  
3. Don't Go Out in Your Underwear!: Poems (Paperback)
    Author: Babs Bell Hajdusiewicz, Elizabeth Sawyer
(Unknown)  06/1997
13 Reviews  
4. My First Job (My First 30-Word Books) (Hardcover)
    Author: Janie Spaht Gill, Julia Allen
    Illustrator: Bob Reese
Baby−PreK 04/1988
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5. Camper Critters (Yellowstone Series) (Hardcover)
    Author: Janie Spaht Gill
    Illustrator: Bob Reese
Ages 4-8 09/1997
2 Reviews  
6. Smiley Snake: 33 Words (Hardcover)
    Author: Nancy Reese
    Illustrator: Bob Reese
Ages 4-8 09/1997
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7. 2 of everything (Talking points series) (Unknown Binding)
    Author: Diana Noonan
(Unknown)  /1998
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8. Little Dinosaur (Ten Word Book) (Hardcover)
    Author: Janie Spaht Gill
    Illustrator: Bob Reese
Ages 4-8 09/1997
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9. Elmo the Pig (Twenty Word Books) (Hardcover)
    Author: Janie Spaht Gill, Wendy Kanno
    Illustrator: Bob Reese
Ages 4-8 09/1997
3 Reviews  
10. Bugle Elk & Little Toot: Yellowstone Critters (Yellowstone Series) (Hard...
    Author: Bob Reese
    Illustrator: Bob Reese
Ages 4-8 09/1997
2 Reviews  
11. Can a Fox Wear Polka-Dotted Socks? (A Predictable Word Book) (Hardcover)
    Author: Janie Spaht Gill
    Illustrator: Bob Reese
Ages 4-8 05/1997
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12. Shapes, Shapes, All over the Place (Predictable Word Books) (Hardcover)
    Author: Janie Spaht Gill
    Illustrator: Karen O. L. Morgan
Ages 4-8 06/1999
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13. My First Doctor Visit (My First Thirty-Word Books) (Paperback)
    Author: Julia Allen
Baby−PreK 10/1987
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14. Night Monsters: 10 Words (Ten Word Books) (Hardcover)
    Author: Janie Spaht Gill, Sharon Shebar
    Illustrator: Bob Reese
Baby−PreK 06/1980
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15. Buffa Buffalo (Forty Word Books) (Paperback)
    Author: Bob Reese
Ages 4-8 09/1997
1 Reviews
16. The Little Mouse (None to 33 Bks) (Hardcover)
    Author: Alana Willoughby, Janie Spaht Gill
Ages 4-8 09/1997
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17. Thanksgiving (Holiday Books) (Hardcover)
    Author: Alana Willoughby, Janie Spaht Gill
Ages 4-8 09/1997
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18. Christmas (Holiday Books) (Hardcover)
    Author: Alana Willoughby
    Illustrator: Bob Reese
Ages 4-8 09/1997
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19. Surefoot Mule: Grand Canyon Critters (Hardcover)
    Author: Bob Reese
Ages 4-8 09/1997
1 Reviews
20. KING ARTHUR...MAGIC SWORD (Dominie Collection of Myths & Legends) (Paper...
    Author: Alan Trussell-Cullen, Pearson Education
(Unknown)  10/14/2004
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21. Half Hearted Hare (Hardcover)
    Author: Gary Hogg
Ages 4-8 01/1991
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22. The Bee (None to 33 Bks) (Paperback)
    Author: Janie Spaht Gill, Nancy Reese
    Illustrator: Bob Reese
Ages 4-8 09/1975
1 Reviews  
23. Circles (A Predictable Word Book) (Library Binding)
    Author: Janie Spaht Gill
    Illustrator: Lori Anderson
Ages 4-8 05/1997
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24. Holey Moley Cow (Twenty Word Books) (Hardcover)
    Author: Janie Spaht Gill, Wendy Kanno
    Illustrator: Bob Reese
Ages 4-8 09/1997
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25. Dreams: A Predictable Word Book (Hardcover)
    Author: Janie Spaht Gill
    Illustrator: Karen O. L. Morgan
Ages 4-8 05/1997
1 Reviews  
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