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Ediciones Ekare

We are a small, independent Latinamerican Publisher which has been publishing children’s books for 25 years. In those early days we were very, very small. Two editors who managed to produce 4 books in our first year. Books that resulted from our experience working in libraries and above all from our own growth as readers. We felt then like Ruben Darío’s Margarita, who set out determined to fulfill her dreams. Today more than 30 people work in Ediciones Ekaré, and there are more than one hundred and fifty titles in our catalogue which are sold throughout the world, but our initial goals have not changed: to produce meaningful books, books that children and adults can read with interest, books that will stay in their memories and their hearts. A generation has grown up with books from Ediciones Ekaré. Today they enjoy those same stories with their own children because our titles continue to be reprinted year after year. Some of those loyal readers are still bound to us and renew us constantly with their fresh ideas. All the books in our catalogue, then as now, were produced with the affection and commitment of many people. Each was considered carefully and thoroughly, was read and discussed by our team of readers and editors, friends and family. Each has its own story, its anecdotes and its unconditional followers. To all these people, who have contributed with their ideas, their work and their support, those who are around today and those who are no longer with us, we say thank you. We once said that one of the main characteristics of our work was that it was done with love and joy. This is still true, although we are no longer two persons and 4 books. Fortunately for all of us, Margarita’s star still lights our way.

Main Address: Av. Luis Roche, Edif. Banco del Libro Altamira Sur
Caracas 1062 Venezuela
Phone: (58-212) 264 76 15
Fax: (58 212) 263 32 91
Updated 10/21/2008

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Manuscript Submissions
Contact Information: Veronica Uribe
Ediciones Ekare
Av. Luis Roche, Edif. Banco del Libro Altamira Sur
Caracas 1062
[email protected]
Updated 10/2/2007
Contact Information: Francisca Mayobre
Editorial and Rights Director
Ediciones Ekare
Av. Luis Roche, Edif. Banco del Libro Altamira Sur
Caracas 1062
Updated 2/27/2007
Illustrator Submissions
Contact Information:Senora Irene Savino
Art Director
Ediciones Ekare
Av. Luis Roche, Edif. Banco del Libro Altamira Sur
Caracas 1062
Updated 10/24/2008
All Books   Books by JacketFlap members
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Results 1 - 25 of 143     # per page:
Title, Creators, Comments / Reviews Ages Date Published
1. El expreso polar (Hardcover)
    Author: Chris Van Allsburg
(Unknown)  09/1995
4,174 Reviews  
2. Un amigo para dragon / A Friend for Dragon (Dragons) (Spanish Edition) (...
    Author: Dav Pilkey, Veronica Uribe
(Unknown)  10/2000
145 Reviews  
3. Dragon y el Gato Panzon / Dragon's Fat Cat (Coleccion Primeras Lecturas)...
    Author: Dav Pilkey
Ages 4-8 01/01/1999
83 Reviews  
4. La navidad de Dragon / Dragon's Merry Christmas (Spanish Edition) (Paper...
    Author: Dav Pilkey, Veronica Uribe
Ages 4-8 09/1999
16 Reviews  
5. Siete ratones ciegos / Seven Blind Mice (Spanish Edition) (Paperback)
    Author: Ed Young, Veronica Uribe
Baby−PreK 10/2010
514 Reviews  
6. Vamos a Cazar UN Oso/Were Going on a Bear Hunt (Spanish Edition) (Hardco...
    Author: Michael Rosen
    Illustrator: Helen Oxenbury
(Unknown)  09/1998
533 Reviews  
7. LA Peineta Colorada / The Red Comb (Asi Vivimos / This Is How We Live) (...
    Author: Fernando Pico
    Illustrator: Maria Antonia Ordonez
(Unknown)  01/01/1991
5 Reviews  
8. Matias Pierde Su Lapiz (Spanish Edition) (Hardcover)
    Author: Rocio Martinez
(Unknown)  01/2004
1 Reviews  
9. Matias Dibuja El Sol/Matthew Draws the Sun (El Jardin De Los Ninos) (Spa...
    Author: Rocio Martinez
Baby−PreK 08/2002
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10. El Desastre (El Jardin De Los Ninos) (Spanish Edition) (Paperback)
    Author: Claire Franek
(Unknown)  11/2003
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11. Un Pasito... Y Otro Pasito (Spanish Edition of Now One Foot, Now the Oth...
    Author: Tomie dePaola
Ages 4-8 /1986
2 Reviews  
12. Buenas noches, Gorila / Goodnight Gorilla (Coleccion Ponte-Poronte) (Spa...
    Author: Peggy Rathmann, Ma. Francisca Mayobre
(Unknown)  04/2002
1,245 Reviews  
13. Rosaura En Bicicleta / Rosaura on a Bicycle (Ponte Poronte) (Spanish Edi...
    Author: Daniel Barbot
    Illustrator: Morella Fuenmayor
Ages 4-8 01/1990
2 Reviews  
14. Beso, Beso (Spanish Edition) (Hardcover)
    Author: Veronica Uribe, Margaret Wild
    Illustrator: Bridget Strevens-Marzo
(Unknown)  04/30/2005
35 Reviews  
15. Chumba la Cachumba (Paperback)
    Author: Carlos Cotte
    Illustrator: Carlos Cotte
(Unknown)  01/1995
6 Reviews  
16. La calle es libre (Paperback)
    Author: Kurusa, Monika Doppert
    Illustrator: Monika Doppert
(Unknown)  01/1981
3 Reviews  
17. La Cama De Mama (Coleccion Ponte Poronte) (Spanish Edition) (Paperback)
    Author: Joi Carlin
    Illustrator: Morella Fuenmayor
Ages 4-8 11/1996
1 Reviews  
18. El Mosquito Zumbador (Coleccion Ponte Poronte) (Spanish Edition) (Paperb...
    Author: Veronica Uribe
    Illustrator: Gloria Calderas
(Unknown)  01/2000
4 Reviews  
19. Guillermo Jorge Manuel Jos� (Paperback)
    Author: Julie Vivas, Mem Fox, Gabriela Uribe
(Unknown)  01/1988
358 Reviews  
20. El perro del cerro y la rana de la sabana (Paperback)
    Author: Ana Maria Machado, Clarisa De LA Rosa, MacHado Ana Maria
    Illustrator: Irene Savino, Peli
(Unknown)  01/01/1986
5 Reviews  
21. Chamario: Libro De Rimas Para Ninos (Rimas Y Adivinanzas) (Spanish Editi...
    Author: Eduardo Polo, Eugenio Montejo
    Illustrator: Arnal Ballester
(Unknown)  04/2004
3 Reviews  
22. Margarita (Coleccion Rimas Y Adivinanzas) (Spanish Edition) (Hardcover)
    Author: RUBEN DARIO
    Illustrator: Monika Doppert
Ages 4-8 07/01/1995
14 Reviews  
23. Matias y El Color del Cielo (Jardin de los Ninos) (Spanish Edition) (Har...
    Author: Rocio Martinez
Baby−PreK 01/01/2002
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24. Un Punado De Semillas (Coleccion Asi Vivimos) (Spanish Edition) (Paperback)
    Author: Monica Hughes
    Illustrator: Luis Garay
Ages 9-12 06/30/2005
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25. Sapo Y El Forastero (Spanish Edition) (Hardcover)
    Author: Carmen Diana Dearden, MAX VELTHUIJS
Ages 4-8 01/2004
18 Reviews  
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