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Haldane Mason

Publishers and packagers of high-quality illustrated books for the UK trade and international co-edition markets.

Specifically interested in books with these subjects or themes: illustrated non-fiction books and box sets for children.

Main Address: PO Box 34196
London NW10 3YB UK
Phone: 020-8459-2131
Fax: 020-8728-1216
Updated 10/23/2008

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Manuscript SubmissionsPolicy:
will consider unsolicited manuscripts. phone or email first to check interest. email - [email protected] directors - Sydney F... More
Contact Information:Mr. Ron Samuel
Haldane Mason
PO Box 34196
London NW10 3YB
Updated 1/16/2007
All Books   Books by JacketFlap members
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Results 1 - 10 of 10     # per page:
Title, Creators, Comments / Reviews Ages Date Published
1. Old Macdonald's Farm: Includes Jigsaw Puzzle (Hardcover)
    Author: Stephen Holmes
Ages 4-8 06/30/2008
4 Reviews  
2. Playing the Harmonica (Paperback)
    Author: Dave Oliver
(Unknown)  10/01/2009
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3. 1, 2 Buckle My Shoe (Board book)
    Author: Stephen Holmes
Ages 4-8 07/30/2004
1 Reviews  
4. Ten Little Monkeys (Board book)
    Author: Stephen Holmes
    Illustrator: Stephen Holmes
(Unknown)  /2005
1 Reviews  
5. Jack & Jill (Board book)
    Illustrator: Stephen Holmes
(Unknown)  03/2007
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6. Wheels on the Bus (Board book)
    Author: Stephen Holmes
(Unknown)  03/2007
2 Reviews  
7. Mary Had a Little Lamb (Board book)
    Illustrator: Stephen Holmes
(Unknown)  03/2007
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8. The Wheels on the Bus (Hardcover)
    Author: Stephen Holmes
(Unknown)  03/01/2005
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9. Vikings (Small Wonders) (Hardcover)
    Author: Andrew Duncan
    Illustrator: Nick Harris
(Unknown)  11/01/2011
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10. Crafty Kids (Paperback)
    Author: Rosie Hankin
(Unknown)  07/01/2011
15 Reviews  
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