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Joseph Henry Press

The Joseph Henry Press (JHP), an imprint of the National Academies Press, was created with the goal of publishing well-crafted, authoritative books on science, technology, and health for the science-interested general public. JHP books represent a broad range of topics, from modern physics and frontiers of medicine to scientific biography and early childhood development. We look forward to expanding the offerings of JHP as the need for credible sources of information grows in our increasingly scientific and technological world.

Specifically interested in books with these subjects or themes: science, rocks, modern physics

Main Address: Room 314 500 Fifth Street, NW
Washington DC 20001 USA
Phone: 800-624-6242
Fax: 202-334-2793
Updated 11/18/2006

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All Books   Books by JacketFlap members
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Results 1 - 14 of 14     # per page:
Title, Creators, Comments / Reviews Ages Date Published
1. We're Friends, Right?: Inside Kids' Culture (Paperback)
    Author: William A. Corsaro
(Unknown)  10/17/2003
6 Reviews  
2. Bone Detective: The Story of Forensic Anthropologist Diane France (Women... Young Adult 05/30/2006
12 Reviews  
3. Robo World: The Story of Robot Designer Cynthia Breazeal (Women's Advent...
    Author: Jordan Brown
Young Adult 12/31/2006
2 Reviews  
4. Space Rocks: The Story of Planetary Geologist Adriana Ocampo (Women's Ad... Young Adult 05/30/2006
1 Reviews  
5. Gene Hunter: The Story of Neuropsychologist Nancy Wexler (Women's Advent...
    Author: Adele Glimm
Young Adult 12/31/2006
5 Reviews  
6. Nature's Machines: The Story of Biomechanist Mimi Koehl (Women's Adventu...
    Author: Deborah Parks
Young Adult 12/31/2006
2 Reviews  
7. Beyond Jupiter: The Story of Planetary Astronomer Heidi Hammel (Women's ...
    Author: Fred Bortz
Young Adult 05/30/2006
4 Reviews  
8. Gorilla Mountain: The Story of Wildlife Biologist Amy Vedder (Women's Ad...
    Author: Rene Ebersole
Young Adult 12/31/2006
2 Reviews  
9. Strong Force: The Story of Physicist Shirley Ann Jackson (Women's Advent...
    Author: Diane O'Connell
Ages 9-12 12/31/2006
1 Reviews  
10. Forecast Earth: The Story of Climate Scientist Inez Fung (Women's Advent...
    Author: Renee Skelton
Young Adult 12/31/2006
1 Reviews  
11. People Person: The Story of Sociologist Marta Tienda (Women's Adventures...
    Author: Diane O'Connell
Young Adult 12/31/2006
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12. Bone Detective (Women's Adventures in Science) (Paperback) (Unknown)  01/01/2006
1 Reviews
13. Space Rocks (Women's Adventures in Science (Joseph Henry Press)) (Paperb... (Unknown)  01/01/2006
1 Reviews
14. We're Friends, Right?: Inside Kids' Culture [Paperback] (Unknown Binding)
    Author: William A. Corsaro
(Unknown)  /2003
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