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Journey Forth

Bob Jones University Press offers a complete line of graded materials covering most subject areas, from Pre-K to Grade 12. BJU Press is well known for its high quality and excellent Christian content. With an emphasis on understanding and developing strong thinking and reasoning skills BJU materials are an excellent option for home educators.

Main Address: BJU Press
Greenville SC 29614 USA
Phone: 800-845-5731
Fax: 800-525-8398
Updated 11/18/2006

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All Books   Books by JacketFlap members
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Results 1 - 8 of 8     # per page:
Title, Creators, Comments / Reviews Ages Date Published
1. Sherlock Jones: The Missing Diamond (Paperback)
    Author: Ed Dunlop
Ages 9-12 07/01/2005
6 Reviews  
2. Fanny Crosby: Queen of Gospel Songs (Paperback)
    Author: Rebecca Davis, Rebecca Henry Davis
Ages 4-8 11/01/2003
17 Reviews  
3. Haiku on Your Shoes (Paperback)
    Author: Eileen M. Berry
Ages 4-8 03/01/2005
1 Reviews  
4. Jericho Ride (Paperback)
    Author: Betty Gaard
    Illustrator: Sandy Rabinowitz
Ages 4-8 11/01/2003
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5. Play Fair, Little Bear (Paperback)
    Author: Kathleen Allan-Meyer
    Illustrator: Elaine Garvin
(Unknown)  12/01/2003
1 Reviews  
6. Fanny Crosby: Queen of Gospel Songs [Paperback] (Unknown Binding)
    Author: Rebecca Davis
(Unknown)  /2003
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7. Haiku on Your Shoes [Paperback] (Unknown Binding)
    Author: Eileen M. Berry
(Unknown)  /2005
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8. Sherlock Jones: The Missing Diamond [Paperback] (Unknown Binding)
    Author: Ed Dunlop
(Unknown)  /2005
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