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Tarquin Publications

For many years situated deep in rural Suffolk overlooking a charming duck pond, Tarquin Publications was founded by Gerald and Margaret Jenkins in 1970. At first Tarquin was little more than a hobby run from home, but gradually the range of titles extended and the name became better known until today, books and posters are exported to most countries around the Globe. Our first books were the 'Make Shapes' series of mathematical models to cut out, glue together and decorate. Gerald Jenkins had been a mathematics teacher and so most of the earlier books were based on mathematical ideas. However, gradually the knowledge of shapes and paper folding which had been acquired was applied to creating books in other subject areas. We now have series of books about paper engineering, science, optical illusions, mirror reflections, costume and history as well as do-it-yourself pop-up books and collections of colourful mobiles and gift boxes. In late 2004, on Gerald and Margaret's retirement Tarquin moved to St Albans and became part of the Richard Griffin company, which started trading in 1820 and for many years specialised in statistics publising.

Specifically interested in books with these subjects or themes: mathematicfal models and paper engineering books for intelligent children.

Main Address: 99 Hatfield Road
St Albans Hertfordshire AL1 4JL UK
Phone: (+44) 01727 833866
Fax: (+44) 0845 4566385
Updated 11/21/2008

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Manuscript SubmissionsPolicy: do not send unsolicited manuscripts. send a one-page proposal of idea. email address for enquires - [email protected]
Contact Information: Andrew Griffin
Tarquin Publications
99 Hatfield Road St Albans
Hertfordshire AL1 4JL
[email protected]

(+44) 01727 833866

(+44) 0845 4566385
Updated 2/3/2008
All Books   Books by JacketFlap members
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Results 1 - 25 of 103     # per page:
Title, Creators, Comments / Reviews Ages Date Published
1. It Just Doesn't Add Up: Explaining Dyscalculia and Overcoming Number Pro...
    Author: Paul Moorcraft
(Unknown)  10/16/2015
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2. Paper Automata (Make Shapes Series) (Paperback)
    Author: Rob Ives
(Unknown)  12/01/1998
45 Reviews  
3. Geodesic Domes (Paperback)
    Author: Borin Van Loon
Young Adult 03/01/1994
7 Reviews  
4. The Magic of Flexagons: Manipulative Paper Puzzles to Cut Out and Make (...
    Author: David Mitchell
Ages 4-8 12/01/1999
4 Reviews  
5. Magic Moving Images: Animated optical illusions (Paperback)
    Author: Colin Ord
(Unknown)  07/15/2007
34 Reviews  
6. Middle School Math by Design (Paperback)
    Author: Russell F. Jacobs
(Unknown)  01/01/2010
3 Reviews  
7. Geometric Patterns from Roman Mosaics: And How to Draw Them (Paperback)
    Author: Robert Field
(Unknown)  09/01/1993
8 Reviews  
8. Mathematical Origami: Geometrical Shapes by Paper Folding (Paperback)
    Author: David Mitchell
(Unknown)  07/1997
12 Reviews  
9. Greeks (Ancient Civilisations Pop-Ups) (Paperback)
    Author: Pam Mara
Ages 9-12 04/01/1985
2 Reviews  
10. Sliceforms: Mathematical Models from Paper Sections (Paperback)
    Author: John Sharp
Young Adult 07/1999
6 Reviews  
11. Geometric Patterns from Churches & Cathedrals (Paperback)
    Author: Robert Field
Ages 4-8 10/1999
1 Reviews  
12. Magic Cylinder Book (Paperback)
    Author: Ivan Moscovich
(Unknown)  12/1991
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13. Fractal Cuts (Paperback)
    Author: Diego Uribe
(Unknown)  03/1994
2 Reviews  
14. Multiplication Tables Bk (Back to Fundamentals) (Paperback)
    Author: Hilary McElderry
Ages 4-8 09/01/1993
6 Reviews  
15. Pentominoes (Paperback)
    Author: John Millington, Jon Millington
(Unknown)  09/1993
3 Reviews  
16. The Mirror Puzzle Book (Paperback)
    Author: Marion Walter
Ages 4-8 10/1985
3 Reviews  
17. Who Tells the Truth? (Kindle Edition)
    Author: Adam Case
(Unknown)  11/21/2011
1 Reviews  
18. M Is for Mirror (Paperback)
    Author: Birmingham
(Unknown)  11/15/1998
3 Reviews  
19. Designing And Using Mathematical Tasks (Paperback)
    Author: John Mason, Susan Johnston-Wilder
(Unknown)  09/15/2007
2 Reviews  
20. Paper Polyhedra in Colour: 15 Symmetrical Models to Cut Out & Glue Toget...
    Author: Gerald Jenkins, Magdalen Bear
Ages 4-8 09/01/1998
1 Reviews  
21. The Fifty-Nine Icosahedra (Paperback)
    Author: H. S. M Coxeter, J. F. Petrie, H. T. Flather, P. Du Val
Ages 4-8 12/1999
2 Reviews  
22. Mathematical Curiosities: To Cut Out and Glue Together (Paperback)
    Author: Gerald Jenkins, Magdalen Bear
Ages 4-8 08/06/2000
1 Reviews  
23. The Number Detective (Paperback)
    Author: Jon Millington
Ages 9-12 08/06/2000
2 Reviews  
24. Pop-Up!: A Manual of Paper Mechanisms (Paperback)
    Author: Duncan Birmingham
Ages 4-8 07/1997
19 Reviews  
25. Tarquin Number Challenges (Paperback)
    Author: Gerald Jenkins, Magdalen Bear
(Unknown)  10/01/2003
1 Reviews  
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