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Resource Publications

Resource Publications is a publisher of children's books and young adult books. Some of the books published by Resource Publications include Building Self-Esteem: A Workbook for Teens, Move Over!: Teenage Manners Coming Through, Guided Meditations for Children: 40 Scripts and Activities Based on the Sunday Lectionary, and Preaching to Adults, Teens, and Children: Homily Starters for Cycles A, B, and C.

Main Address: 160 E. Virginia St. #290
San Jose CA 95112 USA
Updated 2/9/2009

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Results 1 - 25 of 45     # per page:
Title, Creators, Comments / Reviews Ages Date Published
1. The Peer Helper's Pocketbook (Paperback)
    Author: Joan Sturkie, Valerie Gibson
(Unknown)  05/1992
1 Reviews  
2. Guided Meditations for Child Catechumens (Paperback)
    Author: Sydney Ann Merritt
(Unknown)  11/2000
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3. Nursery Stories of Jesus (Paperback)
    Author: Katherine Royer
    Illustrator: Norma Hostetler
(Unknown)  12/2009
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4. Winter Dreams and Other Such Friendly Dragons (Paperback)
    Author: Joseph J. Juknialis
(Unknown)  12/1979
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5. Heartwaves: Daily Meditations for Children (Paperback)
    Author: Mary S. Burnett
Ages 9-12 05/1997
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6. Remix: Conversations With Immigrant Teenagers (Paperback)
    Author: Marina Budhos
(Unknown)  09/19/2007
9 Reviews  
7. Preaching to Adults, Teens, and Children: Homily Starters for Cycles A, ... (Unknown)  04/2003
2 Reviews  
8. Learning About the Liturgical Seasons: Catechesis for Children and Their...
    Author: Dorothy Kosinski Carola
(Unknown)  10/1999
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9. Developing Children's Liturgy: A Step-By-Step Guide (Paperback)
    Author: Gail Fabbro
(Unknown)  05/1999
1 Reviews  
10. Guided Meditations for Children: 40 Scripts and Activities Based on the ...
    Author: Sydney Ann Merritt
Ages 4-8 04/1995
3 Reviews  
11. Guided Meditations for Teens: Living Through the Church Year (Paperback)
    Author: Sydney Ann Merritt
Young Adult 09/1997
1 Reviews  
12. Acting It Out: 74 Short Plays for Starting Discussions With Teenagers (P...
    Author: Joan Sturkie, Marsh Cassady
Young Adult 06/1990
1 Reviews  
13. Storytelling Step by Step (Paperback)
    Author: Marsh Cassady
(Unknown)  12/1990
1 Reviews  
14. Acting It Out Junior: Discussion Starters for 10-13 Year Olds (Paperback)
    Author: Joan Sturkie, Marsh Cassady
Ages 9-12 11/30/1992
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15. Building Self-Esteem: A Workbook for Teens (Paperback)
    Author: Jerome Trahey
Young Adult 06/1992
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16. Empower Me!: 12 Sessions for Building Self-Esteem in Girls (Paperback)
    Author: Helen Raica-Klotz
Ages 4-8 04/1999
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17. Facing Substance Abuse: Discussion-Starting Skits for Teenagers (Acting ...
    Author: R. William Pike
Young Adult 06/1996
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18. Morgan's Baby Sister: A Read-Aloud Book for Families Who Have Experience...
    Author: Patricia Polin Johnson, Donna Reilly Williams
    Illustrator: Suzanne Schaffhausen
Ages 4-8 07/1993
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19. Childchurch: Homily Outlines for Preaching to Children (Paperback)
    Author: Ronald B. Mierzwa
(Unknown)  03/1996
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20. Loving Our Neighbor, the Earth: Creation-Spirituality Activities for 9-1...
    Author: Christie L. Jenkins
(Unknown)  06/1991
1 Reviews  
21. Junior Youth Activities for Lent and Easter Seasons: An Interactive Guid...
    Author: Sandy Rigsby, Steve Mason
Ages 9-12 12/2001
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22. Stop, Look, Listen Up!: And Other Dramas for Confronting Social Issues i...
    Author: R. William Pike
(Unknown)  11/1993
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23. Tackling Tough Choices: Discussion-Starting Skits for Teens (Acting It O...
    Author: Doris Anita Anderson
Young Adult 01/01/2001
2 Reviews  
24. Planting Seeds of Faith (Paperback)
    Author: Virginia H. Loewen
(Unknown)  01/2011
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25. Move Over!: Teenage Manners Coming Through (Paperback)
    Author: Steff Steinhorst
    Illustrator: Jake Knapp
Young Adult 01/01/2001
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