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Sono NIS Press

In 2004, Sono Nis celebrates 36 years of publishing: 36 years, more than 300 titles, 300 authors, and a fabulous string of Canadian poetry and history prize nominations and awards including the Pat Lowther Memorial Award, Eaton's Book Prize, BC Book Prizes, Governor General Awards, Lieutenant Governor's Medal for History, CAA Award, BC History Prize and others. For more than three decades we have been devoted to all our wonderful, talented authors and committed to marrying strong content to high production values. We publish an average of six books a year and have approximately 130 titles in print. "Sono Nis" - from sono, Italian for "I am," and nis, Anglo-Saxon for "are not" - was the name of a strange character in the company's first book. Our areas of interest are Juvenile Fiction for ages 9 - 14 (NOT picture books or young adult fiction), Regional (British Columbian) History, Transportation History (Railway, Nautical, Aviation), Historical Biography, Pioneer Autobiography, and Women's Studies. We do not publish out-of-country authors. Sono Nis Press tries to respond to all submissions within three months of receipt.

Main Address: PO Box 160
Winlaw BC V0G 2J0 Canada
Phone: (250) 226-0077 or (800) 370-5228 Toll Free
Fax: (250) 226-0074
Updated 4/11/2006

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Manuscript SubmissionsPolicy:
Sono Nis Press accepts unsolicited manuscripts, but we prefer initial inquiries consisting of cover letter, outline, and a sample chapte... More
Contact Information:Ms. Diane Morriss
Updated 4/11/2006
Illustrator SubmissionsPolicy:
Do not send original art, original photographs, or an ONLY copy of anything. If photographs or illustrations would enhance the publicati... More
All Books   Books by JacketFlap members
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Results 1 - 25 of 43     # per page:
Title, Creators, Comments / Reviews Ages Date Published
1. Tabasco the Saucy Raccoon (Paperback)
    Author: Lyn Hancock
Ages 9-12 04/01/2006
4 Reviews  
2. Olden Days Locket (Paperback)
    Author: Penny Chamberlain
Ages 9-12 02/10/2002
12 Reviews  
3. The Girl with a Baby (Kindle Edition)
    Author: Sylvia Olsen
(Unknown)  02/07/2012
2 Reviews  
4. No Time to Say Goodbye (Kindle Edition)
    Author: Sylvia Olsen, Ann Sam, Rita Morris
(Unknown)  08/28/2011
3 Reviews  
5. White Girl (Kindle Edition)
    Author: Sylvia Olsen
(Unknown)  10/12/2004
2 Reviews  
6. Tarragon Island (Tarragon Island Series) (Paperback)
    Author: Nikki Tate
Ages 4-8 01/01/1999
2 Reviews  
7. Yetsa's Sweater (Hardcover)
    Author: Sylvia Olsen
    Illustrator: Joan Larson
Ages 4-8 09/25/2006
6 Reviews  
8. Counting on Hope (Kindle Edition)
    Author: Sylvia Olsen
(Unknown)  02/20/2012
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9. Kah-Lan the Adventurous Sea Otter (Paperback)
    Author: Karen Autio
    Illustrator: Sheena Lott
Ages 9-12 08/01/2016
15 Reviews  
10. Girl with a Baby (Paperback)
    Author: Sylvia Olsen
Young Adult 01/01/2003
23 Reviews  
11. My Little Everest (Hardcover)
    Author: Dan Culver
Ages 4-8 03/09/2000
1 Reviews  
12. Second Watch (Kindle Edition)
    Author: Karen Autio
(Unknown)  09/13/2013
1 Reviews
13. White Girl (Paperback)
    Author: Sylvia Olsen
Young Adult 11/2004
18 Reviews  
14. Saara's Passage (Kindle Edition)
    Author: Karen Autio
(Unknown)  09/13/2013
1 Reviews
15. No Time to Say Goodbye: Children's Stories of Kuper Island Residential S...
    Author: Sylvia Olsen, Ann Sam, Rita Morris, Sylvia Olsen with Rita Morris and Ann Sam
Ages 9-12 10/01/2001
7 Reviews  
16. Sabotage (Kindle Edition)
    Author: Karen Autio
(Unknown)  09/13/2013
1 Reviews
17. Jessa Be Nimble, Rebel Be Quick (StableMates) (Paperback)
    Author: Nikki Tate, Pat Cupples
    Illustrator: Nikki Tate
Ages 9-12 01/01/1998
1 Reviews  
18. Team Trouble at Dark Creek (Stablemates #2) (Paperback)
    Author: Nikki Tate
    Illustrator: Ann West
Ages 9-12 01/01/1997
1 Reviews  
19. Rebel of Dark Creek (StableMates) (Paperback)
    Author: Nikki Tate, Ann West
    Illustrator: Pat Cupples
Ages 9-12 01/01/1997
6 Reviews  
20. Second Watch (Paperback)
    Author: Karen Autio
Ages 9-12 01/01/2005
7 Reviews  
21. Just Ask Us: A Conversation with First Nations Teenage Moms (Paperback)
    Author: Sylvia Olsen
Young Adult 11/25/2005
2 Reviews  
22. The Secret Pony (Paperback)
    Author: Julie White
Ages 9-12 08/01/2005
1 Reviews  
23. Sabotage (Paperback)
    Author: Karen Autio
Ages 9-12 02/01/2014
16 Reviews  
24. Return to Skoki Lake (StableMates, No. 6) (Paperback)
    Author: Nikki Tate
Ages 4-8 11/30/1999
3 Reviews  
25. Counting on Hope (Paperback)
    Author: Sylvia Olsen
Young Adult 10/19/2009
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