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Educational Development Corporation

Educational Development Corporation is a publisher of children's books and young adult books. Some of the books published by Educational Development Corporation include I Can Draw Animals, The Usborne Complete Book of the Microscope: Internet-Linked, The Usborne Big Book of Science Things to Make and Do, and A Squirrel's Tale.

Main Address: PO Box 470663
Tulsa OK 74147 USA
Phone: 918-622-4522
Fax: 918-665-7919
Updated 11/9/2006

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Contact Information: Fiona Patchett
Educational Development Corporation
Usborne House 83-85 Saffron Hill
London EC1N 8RT
Updated 12/7/2006
All Books   Books by JacketFlap members
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Results 1 - 25 of 342     # per page:
Title, Creators, Comments / Reviews Ages Date Published
1. A Squirrel's Tale (Hardcover)
    Author: Richard Fowler
Baby−PreK 01/01/1984
55 Reviews  
2. The Usborne Complete Book of the Microscope: Internet-Linked (Paperback)
    Author: Kirsteen Rogers
    Illustrator: Kim Lane
Ages 4-8 /2006
50 Reviews  
3. Murder on the Midnight Plane (Usborne Solve It Yourself) (Paperback)
    Author: Gaby Waters
    Illustrator: Graham Round
Ages 9-12 08/1987
5 Reviews  
4. The Usborne Book of Puzzle Adventures Three Adventure Stories with Puzzl...
    Author: Gaby Waters
(Unknown)  08/1988
3 Reviews  
5. The Usborne Book of Famous Paintings (Hardcover)
    Author: Rosie Dickins
    Illustrator: Philip Hopman
Ages 4-8 09/01/2009
30 Reviews  
6. Detective's Handbook (Detective Guides Series) (Paperback)
    Author: Anne Civardi
Ages 4-8 01/1993
3 Reviews  
7. Piano Course Book Two (Piano Course Bk. 2) (Paperback)
    Author: Kathy Gemmell, Katie Elliott
Ages 4-8 03/1995
1 Reviews  
8. The Great Animal Search (Look Puzzle Learn Series) (Library Binding)
    Author: Caroline Young
    Illustrator: Ian Jackson
Ages 9-12 03/1995
22 Reviews  
9. Puzzle Planet (Usborne Young Puzzles) (Paperback)
    Author: Susannah Leigh
    Illustrator: Brenda Haw
Ages 4-8 08/31/2003
1 Reviews  
10. Agent Arthurs Puzzle Adventure (Puzzle Adventures Series) (Paperback)
    Author: Gaby Waters, Martin Oliver
Ages 4-8 09/1990
5 Reviews  
11. Second Usborne Book of Puzzle Adventures: Three Adventure Stories with P...
    Author: Karen Dolby
Ages 9-12 09/1990
1 Reviews  
12. Learn to Play Easy Piano Classics (Paperback)
    Author: Philip Hawthorn
Ages 9-12 05/1991
9 Reviews  
13. The Night Sky: Usbornes Spotters Guides (Paperback)
    Author: N. Henbest, Nigel Henbest, S. Atkinson
Ages 4-8 01/01/2006
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14. What's Happening? on the Farm (What's Happening? Series) (Paperback)
    Author: Heather Amery
    Illustrator: Stephen Cartwright
Baby−PreK 12/1992
2 Reviews  
15. What's Happening at the Zoo (What's Happening? Series) (Paperback)
    Author: Heather Amery
Baby−PreK 01/31/1993
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16. Dot-To-Dot in Space (Paperback)
    Author: Karen Bryant-Mole
    Illustrator: Graham Round
Ages 4-8 08/01/2003
5 Reviews  
17. The Usborne Complete First Book of Nature (Usborne First Nature) (Paperb...
    Author: R. Kidman-Cox
Ages 4-8 09/01/1990
16 Reviews  
18. Living Long Ago (Explainers Series) (Paperback)
    Author: Felicity Brooks, Helen Edom
    Illustrator: Chris Lyon, Guy Smith, Teri Gower
Ages 4-8 12/08/1999
27 Reviews  
19. The Story of Astronomy and Space (Science Stories) (Paperback)
    Author: Louie Stowell
    Illustrator: Peter Allen
Ages 9-12 06/01/2009
4 Reviews  
20. The Usborne Round the World Cookbook (Paperback)
    Author: Caroline Young
Ages 9-12 06/1993
8 Reviews  
21. First Guide to the Universe (Explainers Series) (Hardcover)
    Author: Jane Chisholm, Lynn Myring, Sheila Snowder
Ages 4-8 12/01/1982
4 Reviews  
22. The Great History Search (Paperback)
    Author: Kamini Khanduri
    Illustrator: David Hancock, Ian Cleaver
Ages 4-8 05/2003
12 Reviews  
23. Stories from Around the World (Stories for Young Children) (Hardcover)
    Author: Heather Amery
    Illustrator: Heather Amery, Joe Pedley, Linda Edwards
Ages 4-8 03/31/2001
31 Reviews  
24. The Usborne Big Book of Science Things to Make and Do (Paperback)
    Author: Leonie Pratt, Rebecca Gilpin
    Illustrator: Josephine Thompson
Ages 4-8 /2008
29 Reviews  
25. What Were Castles For? (Usborne Starting Point History) (Paperback)
    Author: Phil Roxbee Cox
    Illustrator: Annabel Spenceley, Sue Stitt
Ages 9-12 03/31/2002
1 Reviews  
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