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Xerais de Galicia, Edicions

Xerais de Galicia, Edicions is a publisher of children's books and young adult books. Some of the books published by Xerais de Galicia, Edicions include O Vixia No Centeo / The catcher in the rye, Chamabase Luis, Sobrevives?/ Do you Survive? (Fora De Xogo) (Portuguese Edition), and Tristes Armas (Infantil E Xuvenil) (Portuguese Edition).

Main Address: Doutor Maranon, 12
Vigo 36211 Spain
Phone: 98 621 48 88
Fax: 98 620 13 66
Updated 11/28/2008

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Results 1 - 7 of 7     # per page:
Title, Creators, Comments / Reviews Ages Date Published
1. O Vixia No Centeo / The catcher in the rye (Fora De Xogo) (Galician Edit...
    Author: J. D. Salinger
Young Adult 11/30/2006
13,009 Reviews  
2. Tristes armas / Sad Weapons (Infantil E Xuvenil) (Spanish Edition) (Pape...
    Author: Marina Mayoral
(Unknown)  06/30/2005
5 Reviews  
3. O caderno azul (Merlin) (Unknown Binding)
    Author: An Alfaya
(Unknown)  /1996
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4. Chamabase Luis (Galician Edition) (Paperback)
    Author: Marina Mayoral
(Unknown)  02/28/2007
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5. Asustate, Merche / Merche, Feel Scared (Infantil E Xuvenil) (Galician Ed...
    Author: Fina Casalderrey
Ages 4-8 06/30/2005
2 Reviews  
6. Sobrevives?/ Do you Survive? (Fora De Xogo) (Galician Edition) (Paperback)
    Author: Fina Casalderrey
Ages 9-12 02/28/2006
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7. A expedicion do pacifico/ The Pacific Expedition (Fora De Xogo) (Galicia...
    Author: Marilar Aleixandre
Ages 9-12 02/28/2007
3 Reviews  
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