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Books Mike tagged with:
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Results 1 - 9 of 9     # per page:
Title, Creators, Comments / Reviews Ages Date Added
1. Do Princesses Have Best Friends Forever? (Hardcover)
    Author: Carmela LaVigna Coyle
    Illustrator: Mike Gordon, Carl Gordon
    Publisher: Taylor Trade Publishing
Ages 4-8 1/19/2011
Mike said: http://www.facebook.com/l.php?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.publishersweekly.com%2Fpw%2Fby-topic%2Fchildrens%2Fchildrens-book-news%2Farticle%2F45688-princesses-series-from-taylor-trade-nears-500-000-mark.html&h=...more
tags: I illustrated
41 Reviews  
2. Mrs. Gorski, I Think I Have The Wiggle Fidgets (A Story About Attention....
    Author: Barbara Esha
    Illustrator: Mike Gordo
    Publisher: Mainstream Connections Publishing
Ages 4-8 9/13/2009
139 Reviews  
3. Stacey Coolidge's Fancy-Smancy Cursive Handwriting (Highlights Character...
    Author: Barbara Esha
    Illustrator: Mike Gordo
    Publisher: Mainstream Connections Publishing
Ages 9-12 9/13/2009
24 Reviews  
4. If You're So Smart, How Come You Can't Spell Mississippi? (A Story About...
    Author: Barbara Esha
    Illustrator: Mike Gordo
    Publisher: Mainstream Connections Publishing
Ages 4-8 9/13/2009
160 Reviews  
5. Last to Finish: A Story About the Smartest Boy in Math Class (Adventures...
    Author: Barbara Esha
    Illustrator: Mike Gordo
    Publisher: Mainstream Connections Publishing
Ages 4-8 9/13/2009
51 Reviews  
6. Creepy-Crawlies (Henrys House) (Paperback)
    Author: Philip Ardagh
    Illustrator: Mike Gordon
    Publisher: Scholastic
N/A 9/13/2009
2 Reviews  
7. Dinosaurs (Henrys House) (Paperback)
    Author: Philip Ardagh
    Illustrator: Mike Gordon
    Publisher: Scholastic
N/A 9/13/2009
1 Reviews  
8. Bodies (Henrys House) (Paperback)
    Author: Philip Ardagh
    Illustrator: Mike Gordon
    Publisher: Scholastic
N/A 9/13/2009
3 Reviews  
9. Egyptians (Henrys House) (Paperback)
    Author: Philip Ardagh, Terry Deary
    Illustrator: Mike Gordon
    Publisher: Scholastic
N/A 9/13/2009
1 Reviews  
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