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Updates Made by Jacki Miller
Wednesday, February 24, 2010 7:26:18 AM
Jacki Miller wrote a blog post titled The Writing World:
Jacki said, "The last couple of post have been about the frustrations and difficulties that come with writing, but there is something that makes being part of the writing world different from any other. It's the sense of community that you find. For me, the..." more
Friday, February 19, 2010 4:22:50 PM
Jacki Miller wrote a blog post titled The Query Monster:
Jacki said, "It has begun. Today I got the first rejection from an agent regarding my children's picture book. From the moment I read the form rejection, my wheels starting turning. I looked back over my query letter, the very one that had been edited no less..." more
Wednesday, February 17, 2010 3:08:50 PM
Jacki Miller wrote a blog post titled GET BACK ON THE HORSE!:
Jacki said, "Every writer has given up on their writing at one time or another. We all go through those stages in our writing where nothing goes right and thoughts begin to creep into our minds. We start to question whether anyone would want to read what we have..." more
Monday, February 15, 2010 4:52:45 PM
Jacki Miller wrote a blog post titled How bad do you want IT?:
Jacki said, "As I was watching the Olympics this weekend, the commentators were discussing the time the athletes spent training. Some of them had spent years of their life and were living from job to job just to pay their bills. Some had moved away from their..." more
Wednesday, February 10, 2010 8:01:46 AM
Jacki Miller commented on Jean Reidy's Profile:
Jacki said, "Congrats Jean! Just finished my first picture book and the big question is do I send to publishers or agents? Any help would be so appreciated! Bought your book at Barnes and Noble! So cute!!"
Wednesday, February 10, 2010 7:55:25 AM
Jacki Miller added The Indian in the Cupboard to her Bookshelf
Wednesday, February 10, 2010 7:20:34 AM
Jacki Miller wrote a blog post titled WHY WRITING?:
Jacki said, "When I first decided to write a children's book, my initial thought was: How hard can it be? Then as I really got down to writing the book and editing it over and over again I realized it was hard work. I think this is one of the hurdles that stops..." more
Monday, February 8, 2010 3:54:01 PM
Jacki Miller wrote a blog post titled Welcome!:
Jacki said, "Welcome to the writing wars blog! I began this blog because, as a new writer, it really feels as though I am fighting a war to understand the world of writing. I am just beginning to learn the process of what it takes to get your writing actually..." more
Monday, March 1, 2010 1:06:27 PM
Jacki Miller wrote a blog post titled Writer's Resources #1:
Jacki said, "We all know that the best way to become a better writer is to simply write! But, there are also books out there that have valuable advice and recommendations that can help you develop your writing skills. In fact there are tons of these "writer..." more