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Updates Made by Teri Brown

Wednesday, November 17, 2010 1:37:10 PM
Teri Brown wrote a blog post titled Letter From my Muse:
Teri said, "Dear Teri,I hereby give you permission to suck. If the last 12,000 words of this book are awkward, stupid and just plain bad, it's okay, cause you can fix them. If you wrote 1000 words a day, you would be DONE in 12 days. DONE. So get on..." more

Tuesday, October 12, 2010 7:13:02 AM
Teri Brown wrote a blog post titled Proof Positive that Good Happens and Multiplies:
Teri said, "Well bless my boots! The Class of 2k10 is giving away a load of books and said I helped spur the idea. Check it out here.From an email: As a part of our 10-10-10 Giveaway, the Class of 2k10 is offering a mega lot of books to US libraries, book..." more

Thursday, September 2, 2010 9:49:57 PM
Teri Brown wrote a blog post titled New and Improved:
Teri said, "Or not. One gets to a certain point when they realize they are who they are and that's okay. It's kind of nice.Not that we shouldn't grow as human beings, but I think some issues are just there to stay. But I CAN improve my writing. Craft can be..." more

Thursday, August 19, 2010 9:54:27 AM
Teri Brown wrote a blog post titled More Shameless Begging:
Teri said, "I am re-posting part of this from last year, because I am begging for the same thing:) BOOKS, people, Books! As most of you know,(I've mentioned it enough!), I run a book club for teen and tween girls at a low income community center. Actually, it's..." more

Friday, July 2, 2010 7:43:04 AM
Teri Brown wrote a blog post titled Drowning in Words:
Teri said, "Greetings bloggerites,What have I been doing since I last blogged? I've been on Facebook, (Teri Foreman Brown) Twitter, (Teribrownwrites) and working. I've also been writing. And wording. Wording you ask? Yep, playing with words. Creating designs..." more

Monday, April 26, 2010 9:54:45 AM
Teri Brown wrote a blog post titled An Important Peice by Tim Wise:
Teri said, ""Imagine if the Tea Party Was Black" - Tim WiseLet’s play a game, shall we? The name of the game is called “Imagine.” The way it’s played is simple: we’ll envision recent happenings in the news, but then change them up a bit. Instead of..." more

Sunday, April 25, 2010 6:53:48 AM
Teri Brown wrote a blog post titled So I Tried to Write Poetry...:
Teri said, "And it didn't turn out too badly. Granted, I will never be, nor do I want to be, a poet, but it felt good to stretch my creative muscles. Especially since I am now on chapter seven of kick ass, major overhauling, revisions. I am very, very pleased..." more

Tuesday, April 20, 2010 8:57:10 AM
Teri Brown wrote a blog post titled Gratitude:
Teri said, "Just a few things I'm grateful for:1. Family 2. Friends (Even if I never get to see them)3. Employment. (All four people in our family are employed!)4. My writing (Whether it's going good or ill, I still love doing it!)5. My running (Even if I..." more

Thursday, April 1, 2010 10:48:47 AM
Teri Brown wrote a blog post titled What's New:
Teri said, "Egads, it's been six weeks since I updated. What? I guess like many other people, I found that coming up with 140 characters, or whatever it is on Twitter is much easier than thinking and constructing an entire blog. I have also found the status..." more

Monday, February 15, 2010 12:06:46 PM
Teri Brown wrote a blog post titled Valentines Day:
Teri said, "Okay, this blog isn't just about Valentine's Day, though it could be. Not sure because I haven't finished it yet and I did win a Writing the Breakout Novel by Donald Maass, at my chapter meeting, which I am pretty ecstatic over, but right now, I..." more

Saturday, January 30, 2010 5:00:38 PM
Teri Brown wrote a blog post titled tat:
Teri said, ""

Thursday, January 28, 2010 7:04:37 AM
Teri Brown wrote a blog post titled I Haven't Forgotten!:
Teri said, "I haven't forgotten I have a blog. Nor have I forgotten that I should update...but I did say I've changed my attitude and apparently that means not being online as much as I used to. I'm not even twittering as much! Last time I posted I wasn't sure..." more

Sunday, January 3, 2010 1:00:32 PM
Teri Brown wrote a blog post titled A New Attitude for 2010:
Teri said, "As most of you know, it's been a long time since I sold my first (and only) fiction book. Three years to be exact. There are any number of reasons why I haven't sold again. I switched agents during that time. I lost my editor, twice. My new agent..." more

Thursday, December 31, 2009 8:44:40 AM
Teri Brown wrote a blog post titled Last year I wanted MORE:
Teri said, "This year I want LESS.Less bullshit. Less procrastination.Less stress, for sure! (One less job would be great!)Less self indulgence. Time to prioritize, reshuffle, re-evaluate, redo. Other than meeting Rosanna Braccioforte, my boss and new best..." more

Monday, December 28, 2009 1:29:20 AM
Teri Brown wrote a blog post titled A Facial a Day:
Teri said, "My surgery went fine and am now on the road to recovery. I can't do a whole lot still so I am writing, organizing and giving myself a facial a day. Why? I dunno. It's something to do. Plus I had my birthday and I feel like my skin is in pretty good..." more

Tuesday, December 22, 2009 2:40:28 AM
Teri Brown wrote a blog post titled Last Night's Party or Reliving the Eighties:
Teri said, "Behind every responsible parent of older teenagers lives a party animal waiting to get out. It got out at my unbirthday party last night. A little backstory: I called it my unbirthday party because tomorrow I go in to get my gall bladder brutally..." more

Tuesday, December 15, 2009 9:55:53 AM
Teri Brown wrote a blog post titled WOW:
Teri said, "I can't believe how long it's been since I blogged! I plead insnaity, as in my life is insane!1. Still working two jobs. Black Friday was intense as no one in the free world knows how to refold a sweater. 2. I won nano with 50,120 words, or..." more

Sunday, November 22, 2009 5:32:14 PM
Teri Brown wrote a blog post titled I Have a Dream, Too:
Teri said, "This is hard for me to articulate, because it's been percolating in my head for so long... I'm not sure it's going to come out right! I just know I've been training my whole life for this project, this dream. It's as if I had to have the experiences..." more

Friday, November 13, 2009 4:09:53 PM
Teri Brown wrote a blog post titled My Husband is a big A** Baby:
Teri said, "And I don't care who hears me say it. For the record, I love this man. He has worked for his family harder than any man on the face of the planet,(just ask him). How could you not love a man who grocery shops, keeps my car running, fixes stuff and..." more

Sunday, November 1, 2009 6:51:33 PM
Teri Brown wrote a blog post titled Nano and Other Crazy Things:
Teri said, "Yep, I'm doing Nano. For the first time in like seven years, I had the concept and the motivation at the same time on the first of November. This idea might be THE high concept, break out novel I've been waiting for. So I went to a nano write-in..." more

Thursday, October 22, 2009 6:54:26 AM
Teri Brown wrote a blog post titled Been so Long:
Teri said, "Since I blogged. Sorry about that, but life has been a whirlwind of nonstop activity. The new job/promotion has been taking up quite a bit of time, but I love it, so all's good. I think I'll wait to reveal my other announcement. That's just the way..." more

Wednesday, October 7, 2009 4:32:48 PM
Teri Brown wrote a blog post titled What I've been doing other than blogging:
Teri said, "Basically working. 11 hours a day five days a week. More news:1. Got a huge promotion at work that comes with a hefty raise. 2. Book club started last night. I missed my girls so much! We are starting with the Geek Girls Guide to Cheerleading. So..." more

Tuesday, September 15, 2009 10:09:40 AM
Teri Brown wrote a blog post titled Boooks, Books, Books!:
Teri said, "When I get stressed, as I am now, I read. Luckily, since everyone has been sending me books for the book club, I have a lot of new stuff! Because I've been so busy, my reading has been done in sips rather than gulps, but that's okay, as long as I..." more

Tuesday, September 8, 2009 11:05:38 AM
Teri Brown wrote a blog post titled I forgot:
Teri said, "I found the antidote for a very bad day... A bottle of wine and hot tubbing with a good friend. So nice!Today I start my new job while still working my old one. I'm scheduled for 11 hours between the two of them. Writing? What writing?Actually, I..." more

Friday, September 4, 2009 9:33:26 PM
Teri Brown wrote a blog post titled Teri's Very Bad Day:
Teri said, "Warning: Whine acoming. 1. Wake up to dh throwing the overhead light on at 3:am with "An animal puked all over our new couch." 2. Children left house a dive last night. Dirty dishes everywhere and a dishwasher full of clean dishes. Consider killling..." more