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Updates Made by Ruth McNally Barshaw

Wednesday, February 3, 2016 3:29:18 PM
Ruth McNally Barshaw wrote a blog post titled This weird thing about time racing past:
Ruth McNally said, "Chatting with a friend just now made me think: I am older than I expected to get. When I was a teen looking forward to the millennium change in 1999 I was disappointed that I'd be an old lady, barely able to enjoy it. The millennium change was..." more

Sunday, August 9, 2015 10:39:28 PM
Ruth McNally Barshaw wrote a blog post titled Thank you, teachers and librarians!! We love you!:
Ruth McNally said, "Thank you, teachers and librarians and others who put books in kids' hands.We appreciate you.Taken from my sketchbook, this is me greeting Travis Jonker at Nerd Camp 2015. (He's not really that much taller than I am, I don't think...)"

Wednesday, July 29, 2015 1:28:46 AM
Ruth McNally Barshaw wrote a blog post titled Jean Little Library! July 16 at Matheson Memorial Library in Elkhorn, Wisconsin:
Ruth McNally said, "I first became aware of Jennifer Wharton's brilliant book reviews on the Jean Little Library blog a couple years ago, when she mentioned an Ellie McDoodle book and my awesome friend, children's book author Carrie Pearson alerted me.It occurred..." more

Sunday, July 26, 2015 8:30:55 PM
Ruth McNally Barshaw wrote a blog post titled Nerd Camp 2015! July 6 and 7:
Ruth McNally said, "Wow, what a terrific event -- teachers and authors and kids and librarians and lots of talk about books of all kinds... and it's all FREE. Of course I carried around a sketchbook the whole time.Here are some sketchbook pages from Nerd..." more

Wednesday, July 22, 2015 10:22:13 PM
Ruth McNally Barshaw wrote a blog post titled July 20: Potterville Benton Twp District Library!:
Ruth McNally said, "On Tuesday we visited Potterville Benton Township District Library,We brought an easel and drew bats, dogs, penguins, and my first-ever cat on a bike.Before our audience arrived I showed off the art from Leopold the Lion.Pictures from the..." more

Friday, May 2, 2014 7:27:27 AM
Ruth McNally Barshaw wrote a blog post titled Drawing 100 lions (or maybe more):
Ruth McNally said, "When I ran a little advertising/design shop on campus a few decades ago I drew up a poster that said,Before you decide on one, draw 50.Under that headline was some line art: 50 thumbnail illustrations (and they were actually decorated thumbnails)...." more

Wednesday, April 30, 2014 11:27:25 PM
Ruth McNally Barshaw wrote a blog post titled "There's a book in this!":
Ruth McNally said, "Today my kid invited me to tag along on her Engineering group field trip to the local landfill. I've learned never to pass up that sort of opportunity because something useful will come of it. I was right!I learned:- it's a landfill, not a dump...." more

Thursday, April 24, 2014 5:05:23 AM
Ruth McNally Barshaw wrote a blog post titled The eternal question: Talent? or self-honed Skill?:
Ruth McNally said, "On the RhyPiBoMo blog, an interesting question came up. I am posting it with my answer, here, with a couple words and line breaks added for clarity.----------------------------------------------------------- Kristi said: I have a question..." more

Wednesday, April 23, 2014 4:03:21 PM
Ruth McNally Barshaw wrote a blog post titled It's RhyPiBoMo! Rhyming Picture Book Month -- time to rhyme!:
Ruth McNally said, "My blog post is up!This is RhyPiBoMo -- Rhyming Picture Book Month, designated and developed by Angie Karcher, author.It's a month of blog posts about picture book rhyme -- written by authors who excel at rhyme (and then there's me, a newbie)...." more

Tuesday, April 1, 2014 1:25:39 AM
Ruth McNally Barshaw wrote a blog post titled Rhyming Picture Book Month starts TODAY!:
Ruth McNally said, "Join Angie Karcher all through April as she brings in 35 guest authors to divulge their secrets on what makes great rhyme and how to write it.Sign up here.It's easy and fast.Then read Angie's blog all month.Soak in the wisdom of such rhymers as --..." more

Thursday, March 20, 2014 12:23:29 AM
Ruth McNally Barshaw wrote a blog post titled MRA Poster by Matt Faulkner and me:
Ruth McNally said, "Michigan Reading Association held its 2014 conference this past weekend, and I got to do some presentations at it. At the huge general session on Sunday they unveiled the poster for next year's conference and -- ta-daaa! -- I helped create it.Fellow..." more

Wednesday, March 19, 2014 12:35:28 PM
Ruth McNally Barshaw wrote a blog post titled I'm part of Sketchables!:
Ruth McNally said, "I always thought blog collectives were pretty cool. I belong to a few of them and rarely take part.The incongruence of those two beliefs made me hesitate when The Sketchables asked me to join their rebooted effort of blogging sketches.My worry was..." more

Thursday, September 5, 2013 7:11:27 PM
Ruth McNally Barshaw wrote a blog post titled Ellie McDoodle is in China! And More News...:
Ruth McNally said, "The sale of Ellie McDoodle simplified Chinese rights for the first four books was announced this week. This brings a whole new (huge!) audience for the Ellie McDoodle Diaries. Welcome, readers in China!You join the readers in North America, Italy,..." more

Thursday, September 5, 2013 7:11:27 PM
Ruth McNally Barshaw wrote a blog post titled Book spine fun:
Ruth McNally said, "My local indie bookstore's most recent Shelf Awareness issue features Nina Katchadourian's new SORTED BOOKS, an insightful and fun introduction to the idea of rearranging books to form dialogues, jokes, fragments, questions and poetry.Buy Nina's..." more

Thursday, September 5, 2013 7:11:27 PM
Ruth McNally Barshaw wrote a blog post titled When Life Hands You Lemons, Draw Them:
Ruth McNally said, "It was almost exactly 38 years ago that my high school art teacher took me out in the hallway and gave me a little blank book to draw and write in. It was hardbound, maybe 200 pages, and I'd never seen a book like that before in my life. I'd..." more

Thursday, April 19, 2012 1:30:00 PM
Ruth McNally Barshaw wrote a blog post titled Ellie McDoodle -- live and in person!:
Ruth McNally said, "Charlie and I had the FABULOUS opportunity to meet Ellie McDoodle, Mo, Ben-Ben, Josh, Lucy, Mr. Brendall, and many other Ellie McDoodle characters yesterday when we popped in to surprise the performers during the Tech Week rehearsal for the stage..." more

Saturday, October 29, 2011 2:09:21 PM
Ruth McNally Barshaw wrote a blog post titled It's PiBoIdMo time!:
Ruth McNally said, "Go to Tara Lazar's blog to read more.PiBoIdMo is Picture Book Idea Month -- join the group and commit to thinking up an idea per day for a picture book. Read the official blog for inspiration each day. At the end of the month, choose the ideas you..." more

Thursday, July 21, 2011 12:35:32 AM
Ruth McNally Barshaw wrote a blog post titled Meet Children's Books Author Audrey Vernick:
Ruth McNally said, "A very fun book.  My caricature of AudreyAuthor Audrey Vernick is unflinchingly honest and gasp-for-breath funny, in real life and on the page.When I first met her we were at our literary agent's writer retreat in an idyllic setting near..." more

Saturday, May 7, 2011 8:23:55 PM
Ruth McNally Barshaw wrote a blog post titled Gangoblogging: Chris Barton:
Ruth McNally said, "You long to experience the world on your own terms. You are smart and brave, but you're a cheat. You have a chance to trade who you are for something better -- for a new life. New thrills. New fear. Do you do it? If yes, you might be..." more

Sunday, April 3, 2011 7:17:04 PM
Ruth McNally Barshaw wrote a blog post titled Digging into the archives:
Ruth McNally said, "Our kid's cleaning the basement, and she found a notebook from my confusion days of 1999 when I was working with a career coach to try to figure out what I wanted to do with my life.I'd quit my nice job at MSU to work at home 5 years earlier. Had a..." more

Thursday, March 17, 2011 12:24:04 PM
Ruth McNally Barshaw wrote a blog post titled March is Reading Month:
Ruth McNally said, "In Michigan and other states in the Midwest (and elsewhere?), March is Reading Month. That means most authors I know are hitting the road, taking their presentation to schools and conferences far and wide.So far this season (Feb-March) Charlie and I..." more

Tuesday, March 1, 2011 8:31:14 PM
Ruth McNally Barshaw updated the biography on her profile page

Friday, February 25, 2011 8:21:53 AM
Ruth McNally Barshaw wrote a blog post titled Back from outer space (that's revisions):
Ruth McNally said, "After spending many months with the next Ellie McDoodle book I can proudly say that I am done living in a fantasy world and am back to real life for a while. (until my editor's revisions notes arrive... then it's back to not-really-here-ness..." more

Friday, January 7, 2011 11:00:49 PM
Ruth McNally Barshaw made friends with Franci Rogac

Friday, January 7, 2011 10:59:52 PM
Ruth McNally Barshaw made friends with Dara Lehner