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  • There are 4 ways to add books:
  • 1. Start typing in either the title or person look-up fields.
  • After you enter a few characters, our system will return a list of matching results. Keep typing until you find your book.
  • 2. Add a book to our database by ISBN
  • If you can not find a book using the look-up fields, we can try looking it up from Amazon and Google Books. Enter the book's ISBN in the ISBN box, and click the "Lookup" button.
  • 3. Add a book from Amazon using our Bookmarklet.
  • Bookmark or Drag this link: Add to JacketFlap to your Browser's toolbar, then search for your book on an Amazon site. Click the book's title in Amazon's search results. Then, click the "Add to JacketFlap" Bookmark in your Browser.
  • 4. BETA - Import your Bookshelf from a text file. Currently, we support ShelfariTM (.xls), LibraryThingTM (.csv), or GoodReadsTM (.csv).
  • Save your library export file to your hard drive, then click Browse to select the Bookshelf file.
  • Your books and any reviews will automatically be added to JacketFlap.

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Title:Buen provecho, animales al acecho (Spanish Edition)
Author: Alonso Nunez
Illustrator: Juan Gedovius
2. Write your comment / review:

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Click one or more tags below to describe this book, or enter a tag of your own:
I wrote | I illustrated | I'm reading | I read | Inspired me | I edited | I recommend
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