JacketFlap connects you to the work of more than 200,000 authors, illustrators, publishers and other creators of books for Children and Young Adults. The site is updated daily with information about every book, author, illustrator, and publisher in the children's / young adult book industry. Members include published authors and illustrators, librarians, agents, editors, publicists, booksellers, publishers and fans. Join now (it's free).
About Just Released
This page contains a constantly updated list of the most recently published Children's books and young adult books. You can change the time period using the "Books Published Since" menu, e.g. select "Last Week" to see books published in the past week. And, you can filter the list by Age levels, e.g. see just released books for readers Ages 4 - 8.
Added by Alfred Goldstein, who said: Writing a research proposal can feel as demanding as planning a bookâevery section has to be intentional and connected to the bigger picture. I tried out more More about this book