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Fideli Publishing

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Updated 9/4/2009

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Results 1 - 25 of 64     # per page:
Title, Creators, Comments / Reviews Ages Date Published
1. The Bad Ices Man and The Girl Who Saved Christmas (Paperback)
    Author: Ena Agbodza
Ages 4-8 02/27/2006
1 Reviews  
2. A Fish Named Ed (Paperback)
    Author: Sam Oliver
(Unknown)  12/03/2004
5 Reviews  
3. Rusty Raccoon Meets Ricky Rabbit (Paperback)
    Author: annie Monsen
Ages 4-8 01/10/2006
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4. Birds Dont Say 'Bow-Wow.' (Paperback)
    Author: Alison Larsen
Ages 4-8 04/17/2006
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5. All Children of the World Smile in the Same Language (Paperback)
    Author: Parivash Ahour
Ages 9-12 07/14/2006
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6. Granny's Farm Friends (Paperback)
    Author: Carolyn Anderson
Ages 4-8 12/15/2005
2 Reviews  
7. Have You Ever Made Mud Pies On A Hot Summer Day? (Paperback)
    Author: Barbara J. Stevenson-spurgon
    Illustrator: Aurzella Ruffin
Ages 4-8 10/31/2006
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8. Multi-Sensory Math Sequencing (Readingby6) (Paperback)
    Author: Dennis Brooks
(Unknown)  10/31/2006
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9. Mrs. Tockalocka and the Missing Jangle (Paperback)
    Author: Dodee
Ages 4-8 10/2005
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10. Tales of The Sugar Hollow Twins, Book #4 (Paperback)
    Author: B. J. Dana
Ages 4-8 10/27/2006
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11. The Chartreuse Mongoose (Paperback)
    Author: James E. Martin
Ages 4-8 10/2005
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12. Shasta Daisy (Paperback)
    Author: Doris Mataya
Ages 4-8 11/30/2006
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13. Tidy Up Tommy (Paperback)
    Author: Lyndia A. Clarke
    Illustrator: Lyndia A. Clarke
Ages 4-8 08/28/2006
4 Reviews  
14. The Candy Cane Rain (Paperback)
    Author: Marcia A. See
Ages 4-8 11/30/2006
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15. This Strange Quantum World & You (Paperback)
    Author: Patricia Topp
Young Adult 09/29/2006
8 Reviews  
16. Wednesday at Weeksville (Paperback)
    Author: Edward Mapp
Ages 9-12 10/2005
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17. Silent Angel: The Joys and Challenges in Raising an Autistic Child (Pape...
    Author: Tim Ravert
(Unknown)  09/29/2006
1 Reviews  
18. Beware of Larry (Paperback)
    Author: Randy Schafer, Kathy Schafer
Ages 9-12 01/10/2006
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19. The Little Fir Tree (Paperback)
    Author: Jane Jenkins
Ages 4-8 11/30/2005
1 Reviews  
20. Sparino De Birdarack (Paperback)
    Author: Barbara Williamson
Ages 4-8 01/30/2006
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21. The Can-Do Stories (Paperback)
    Author: Cynthia Spoon
Ages 4-8 11/30/2005
7 Reviews  
22. Rescue Me (Paperback)
    Author: Ken Pullen
All Ages 07/28/2006
2 Reviews  
23. That Big Old Round Orange Thing: A Mrs. Tockalocka Adventure (Paperback)
    Author: Dodee
Ages 4-8 06/30/2006
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24. Stories from Earth and Beyond: Enchanting and Inspirational Stories (Pap...
    Author: Monira Sohaili
Ages 4-8 04/30/2006
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25. Native American Action Stories (Paperback)
    Author: Alvin R. Brown
Young Adult 01/10/2006
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