
  • Name:
    Avi Katz
  • Occupation: Illustrator
  • Company: self-employed
  • Birthday: December 24
  • Locale: Israel
  • Member Since: 7/7/2007

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About Avi

I am an Israeli illustrator with over 140 children's and young people's books to my credit as well as schoolbooks and covers; I am also the staff artist of the Jerusalem Report Magazine.
Avi's Published Works Ages Date Published
Books 1 - 4 of 13 from Avi's published works, View all 13 books
Click a book's title for more details about the book
1. Kaytek the Wizard (Hardcover)
    Author: Janusz Korczak
    Illustrator: Avi Katz
    Publisher: Penlight Publications
Ages 9-12 08/01/2012
20 Reviews  
2. JPS Illustrated Children's Bible (Hardcover)
    Author: Ellen Frankel
    Illustrator: Avi Katz
    Publisher: Jewish Publication Society of America
Ages 4-8 07/17/2009
15 Reviews  
3. Princess Alopecia (Hardcover)
    Author: Yaacov Peterseil
    Illustrator: Avi Katz
    Publisher: Pitspopany Press
Baby to Pre-K 09/01/1999
9 Reviews  
4. King Solomon & the Queen of Sheba (Hardcover)
    Author: Blu Greenberg, Linda Tarry
    Illustrator: Avi Katz
    Publisher: Pitspopany Press
Ages 4-8 10/01/1997
13 Reviews  
Bestselling order determined by SalesRank(tm)
Books Recently Added to Avi's Bookshelf Ages Date Added
Books 1 - 4 of 9 from Avi's bookshelf, View all 9 books
Click a book's title for more details about the book
1. The Waiting Wall (Hardcover)
    Author: Leah Braunstein Levy
    Illustrator: Avi Katz
    Publisher: Hachai Pubns
N/A 1/15/2010
Avi tagged as: I illustrated
3 Reviews  
2. The Burning Light (Paperback)
    Author: Betsy Ramsay
    Illustrator: Avi Katz
    Publisher: Pitspopany Press
Ages 9-12 4/7/2009
Avi said: A fantasy about modern-day children zapped back to the time of the Maccabean revolt
tags: I illustrated
3 Reviews  
3. JPS Illustrated Children's Bible (Hardcover)
    Author: Ellen Frankel
    Illustrator: Avi Katz
    Publisher: Jewish Publication Society of America
Ages 4-8 4/7/2009
Avi said: Im very excited about this book--53 full page color illustrations of Old testament stories retold for children. Cant wait to see how it is received!
tags: bible , Old Testament , I illustrated
15 Reviews  
4. The Adventures of Jeremy and Heddy Levi (Hardcover)
    Author: Yaffa Ganz
    Illustrator: Avi Katz
    Publisher: Pitspopany Press
Young Adults 5/24/2008
Avi tagged as: I illustrated
2 Reviews  
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Profile Comments
Comment by Avi Katz on 1/15/2010 at 1:43 AM:
It's award seasonin the American Jewish book world and I've done pretty well. The JPS Bible took the National Jewish Book Award for Illustrated Children's Book; NJBA Candidate for Family Book; and Sidney Taylor Notable for All Ages category. The Waiting Wall is a Taylor Notable for Younger Readers, ... more
Comment by Avi Katz on 8/20/2009 at 1:08 PM:
I have just received a copy of the Chinese (!!) edition of my book "The Best Hanukkah Ever" !! See:
Comment by John Shelley on 7/8/2007 at 9:43 AM:
Great to see you on Jacketflap Avi, I hope you find it as interesting a resource as I have!
Comment by Todd-Michael St. Pierre on 7/8/2007 at 2:29 AM:
Welcome Avi... Happy JacketFlapping!

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