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Benbella Books

Benbella Books is a publisher of children's books. Some of the books published by Benbella Books include Demigods and Monsters: Your Favorite Authors on Rick Riordan's Percy Jackson and the Olympians Series, Flirtin' With the Monster: Your Favorite Authors on Ellen Hopkins' Crank and Glass, Revisiting Narnia: Fantasy, Myth and Religion in C. S. Lewis' Chronicles, and The Psychology of Harry Potter: An Unauthorized Examination Of The Boy Who Lived.

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Updated 1/31/2005

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Results 1 - 19 of 19     # per page:
Title, Creators, Comments / Reviews Ages Date Published
1. Do You Talk Funny?: 7 Comedy Habits to Become a Better (and Funnier) Pub...
    Author: David Nihill
(Unknown)  03/08/2016
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2. Do You Talk Funny?: 7 Comedy Habits to Become a Better (and Funnier) Pub...
    Author: David Nihill
(Unknown)  03/08/2016
165 Reviews  
3. Demigods and Monsters: Your Favorite Authors on Rick Riordan's Percy Jac...
    Author: Rick Riordan
Young Adult 02/10/2009
396 Reviews  
4. Flirtin' With the Monster: Your Favorite Authors on Ellen Hopkins' Crank...
    Author: Niki Burnham
Young Adult 05/12/2009
79 Reviews  
5. The Psychology of Harry Potter: An Unauthorized Examination Of The Boy W... (Unknown)  04/10/2007
86 Reviews  
6. Revisiting Narnia: Fantasy, Myth and Religion in C. S. Lewis' Chronicles... (Unknown)  10/28/2005
1 Reviews  
7. Mapping the World of the Sorcerer's Apprentice: An Unauthorized Explorat... (Unknown)  12/11/2005
77 Reviews  
8. Little T Learns to Share (T. O.'s Time Outs) (Hardcover)
    Author: Terrell Owens, Courtney Parker
    Illustrator: Todd Harris
Ages 4-8 11/15/2006
32 Reviews  
9. Mind-Rain:Your Favorite Authors on Scott Westerfeld's Uglies Series (Pap...
    Author: Adam-Troy Castro, Scott Westerfeld
Ages 9-12 06/2009
33 Reviews  
10. Forever Poems For Now And Then (Hardcover)
    Author: SONYA KURZWEIL, Amy Kurzweil
Ages 9-12 08/11/2004
1 Reviews  
11. Farscape Forever!: Sex, Drugs And Killer Muppets (Smart Pop series) (Pap... (Unknown)  08/11/2005
11 Reviews  
12. Revisiting Narnia: Fantasy, Myth And Religion in C. S. Lewis' Chronicles... (Unknown)  09/10/2005
1 Reviews  
13. Navigating The Golden Compass: Religion, Science And Daemonology In His ... (Unknown)  07/11/2005
9 Reviews  
14. A Teenager in Hitler's Death Camps (Hardcover)
    Author: Benny Grunfeld, Olle Hager, Magnus Henrekson
(Unknown)  10/11/2008
7 Reviews  
15. Great Snape Debate (Paperback)
    Author: Amy Berner, Orson Scott Card
Ages 9-12 09/2007
39 Reviews  
16. Immortal: Love stories with bite (Paperback)
    Author: PC Cast, Leah Wilson
(Unknown)  Unknown
348 Reviews  
17. Demigods and Monsters: Your Favorite Authors on Rick Riordan's Percy Jac...
    Author: Rick Riordan
(Unknown)  /2009
1 Reviews
18. Little T Learns to Share (T. O.'s Time Outs) [Hardcover] (Unknown Binding)
    Author: Terrell Owens
(Unknown)  /2006
1 Reviews
19. A Teenager in Hitler's Death Camps [Hardcover] (Unknown Binding)
    Author: Benny Grunfeld
(Unknown)  /2008
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