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Carel Press

Carel Press is a book publisher. Some of the books published by Carel Press include The Writing Ideas Bank: Starters and Strategies for Writing in the Classroom, Mapping Drama: Teaching and Assessing Drama, Putting Text First: Text Based Starters for Year 7, and Language Through Poetry: Using Poetry to Explore How Language Works.

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Updated 11/17/2006
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Results 1 - 19 of 19     # per page:
Title, Creators, Comments / Reviews Ages Date Published
1. Firing the Canon (Paperback)
    Author: David White
(Unknown)  01/1996
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2. Learning Matters: Coursework and Exam Skills for GCSE and Standard Grade...
    Illustrator: Craig Mitchell
(Unknown)  07/1993
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3. The Writing Ideas Bank: Starters and Strategies for Writing in the Class...
    Author: Jim Lindsay
(Unknown)  06/03/2002
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4. Putting Text First: Text Based Starters for Year 7 (Paperback)
    Author: David White
(Unknown)  05/01/2003
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5. Language Through Poetry: Using Poetry to Explore How Language Works (Pap...
    Author: Ross Palmer
(Unknown)  06/03/2002
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6. C'est Facile: French Vocabulary Toolkit for GCSE and Standard Grade (Pap...
    Author: Suzy Hearn
(Unknown)  06/03/2002
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7. Fact File 1998 (Hardcover)
    Author: Stephen White
    Illustrator: Craig Mitchell
(Unknown)  01/1998
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8. Fact File 1998 (Hardcover)
    Illustrator: Craig Mitchell
(Unknown)  01/1998
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9. Fact File 1999: The Resource of the Year (Hardcover)
    Author: Stephen White
    Illustrator: Craig Mitchell
(Unknown)  12/01/1998
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10. Fact File 1999: The Resource of the Year (Paperback)
    Author: Stephen White
    Illustrator: Craig Mitchell
(Unknown)  12/01/1998
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11. Fact File 1997 (Hardcover)
    Author: Stephen White
    Illustrator: Craig Mitchell
(Unknown)  01/1997
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12. Superheroes and Other Fantastic Folk: An Anthology of Fantasy Plays for ...
    Author: Christine Anne R. Shepherd, Et Al, Steve Merrell
(Unknown)  06/1997
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13. Fact File: A Copyright-free Resource (Ring-bound)
    Author: Stephen White
    Illustrator: Craig Mitchell
(Unknown)  01/1996
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14. Sport's Special: Discussion Articles About Sport (Vital Issues) (Paperback) (Unknown)  02/1995
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15. Fact File 1994 (Ring-bound)
    Author: S. White, Stephen White
(Unknown)  /1994
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16. Fact File 1993 (Paperback) (Unknown)  /1993
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17. Ways with Plays: Copiable Resource for the Teaching of Plays (Paperback) (Unknown)  01/1992
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18. Fact File: A Copyright-free Resource (Paperback) (Unknown)  09/1989
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19. Mapping Drama: Teaching and Assessing Drama (Paperback)
    Author: Allan Owens, Keith Barber
(Unknown)  02/01/2000
1 Reviews  
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