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Coach House Press

Please note that we publish only Canadian authors. Coach House publishes innovative poetry, literary fiction, drama and books about Toronto. We do NOT publish children’s books, memoirs, cookbooks, historical romances, mysteries or science-fiction. ***Not accepting new manuscripts until April 2008.

Specifically interested in books with these subjects or themes: Coach House publishes innovative poetry, literary fiction, drama and books about Toronto

Main Address: 401 Huron Street (rear)
Toronto ON M5S 2G5 Canada
Phone: (416) 979-2217
Updated 3/13/2008

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We do not accept electronic submissions. To submit, please send your manuscript to 401 Huron Street on bpNichol Lane, Toronto, Ontario, ... More
All Books   Books by JacketFlap members
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Results 1 - 25 of 46     # per page:
Title, Creators, Comments / Reviews Ages Date Published
1. Runaway: Diary of a Street Kid (Paperback)
    Author: Evelyn Lau
(Unknown)  09/1995
47 Reviews  
2. A Christmas Carol (Children's Theatre Playscript) (Paperback)
    Author: Charles Dickens, Robert Vance
Ages 4-8 06/1961
1,762 Reviews  
3. Almost Japanese (Paperback)
    Author: Sarah Sheard
(Unknown)  01/18/1994
1 Reviews  
4. Beauty and the Beast (Children's Theatre Playscript) (Paperback)
    Author: William Glennon
Ages 4-8 05/15/2007
1 Reviews  
5. Not So Dumb: Four Plays for Young People (Paperback)
    Author: John Lazarus
(Unknown)  09/1993
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6. Scraps!: The ragtime girl of Oz (Paperback)
    Author: Virginia Glasgow Koste
(Unknown)  /1986
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7. Canterville Ghost (Paperback)
    Author: Oscar Wilde, Darwin R. Payne
(Unknown)  06/1963
102 Reviews  
8. Cricket on the Hearth (Children's Theatre Playscript Series) (Paperback)
    Author: Marian Jonson
(Unknown)  02/1984
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9. Rip Van Winkle (Paperback)
    Author: Charlotte B Chorpenning
Baby−PreK 06/01/1954
742 Reviews  
10. Wiley and the hairy man (Unknown Binding)
    Author: Alice Molter
(Unknown)  /1977
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11. The Fir Tree (Paperback)
    Author: Carol Weiss, James F. Engelhardt
(Unknown)  12/1986
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12. Puss in Boots (Children's Theatre Playscript) (Paperback)
    Author: Mark Friesen
Ages 4-8 06/1986
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13. The fir tree (Unknown Binding)
    Author: Carol Weiss
(Unknown)  /1986
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14. Almost Japanese (Paperback)
    Author: Sarah Sheard
(Unknown)  /1985
2 Reviews  
15. The Wonderful Wizard of Oz (A Play based on the book by L. Frank Baum) (...
    Author: Virginia Glasgow Koste
(Unknown)  /1982
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16. The chest of dreams (Unknown Binding)
    Author: Max Bush
(Unknown)  /1981
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17. Hedda Gabler (Packet of 8) (Paperback)
    Author: Henrik Ibsen
(Unknown)  06/1979
107 Reviews  
18. A Doll's House (Packet of 5 Scripts) (Paperback)
    Author: Henrik Ibsen
(Unknown)  06/1979
78 Reviews  
19. The chest of dreams (Unknown Binding)
    Author: Max Bush
(Unknown)  /1979
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20. Accidental journey: A comedy for Readers Theatre (Reader's Theatre play ...
    Author: Theodore V Kundrat
(Unknown)  /1978
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21. The Amazon woman defeated: A play for Readers Theatre (Reader's Theatre ...
    Author: Theodore V Kundrat
(Unknown)  /1978
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22. The Amazon woman victorious: A play for Readers Theatre (Reader's Theatr...
    Author: Theodore V Kundrat
(Unknown)  /1978
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23. The first Christmas: A play for radio and Readers Theatre (Reader's thea...
    Author: Theodore V Kundrat
(Unknown)  /1978
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24. The lily of the marshes: The story of Saint Maria Goretti, the virgin ma...
    Author: Theodore V Kundrat
(Unknown)  /1978
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25. A play on words: A verbal comedy for Readers Theatre (Reader's Theatre p...
    Author: Theodore V Kundrat
(Unknown)  /1978
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