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E. Methuen

E. Methuen is a book publisher. Some of the books published by E. Methuen include Kabul, Peer Gynt, HILDA LESSWAYS, and MY GURU AND HIS DISCIPLE..

Main Address:
London UK
Updated 12/11/2007

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All Books   Books by JacketFlap members
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Results 1 - 14 of 14     # per page:
Title, Creators, Comments / Reviews Ages Date Published
1. A Leg at Each Corner (Paperback)
    Author: Norman Thelwell
(Unknown)  /1972
5 Reviews  
2. Peer Gynt (Paperback)
    Author: Henrik Ibsen
(Unknown)  /1973
73 Reviews  
3. Hilda Lessways (Hardcover)
    Author: Arnold Bennett
(Unknown)  /1974
1 Reviews  
4. Clayhanger (Hardcover)
    Author: Arnold Bennett
(Unknown)  /1973
63 Reviews  
5. Clayhanger (Hardcover)
    Author: Arnold Bennett
(Unknown)  /1976
12 Reviews  
6. Kabul (Paperback)
    Author: M E Hirsh
(Unknown)  /1987
12 Reviews  
7. My guru and his disciple. (Unknown binding)
    Author: Christopher Isherwood
(Unknown)  /1980
4 Reviews  
8. Antigone (Paperback)
    Author: Jean Anouilh
(Unknown)  /1978
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9. Rare earth: A programme about pollution (Methuen young drama) (Paperback)
    Author: Belgrade Coventry Theatre in Education Company
(Unknown)  /1976
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10. The Caucasian Chalk Circle (Translated By James and Tania Stern with W. ...
    Author: Bertolt Brecht
(Unknown)  /1975
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11. Daily Strength for Daily Needs (Hardcover)
    Author: Mary Wilder Tileston
(Unknown)  /1973
54 Reviews  
12. Hilda lessways (Hardcover)
    Author: Arnold Bennett
(Unknown)  /1973
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13. Party games (Hardcover)
    Author: Gyles Brandreth
(Unknown)  /1972
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14. The Tenants (Hardcover)
    Author: Bernard Malamud
(Unknown)  /1972
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