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Ediciones Iamique

Ediciones iamique is a small Argentinian publishing house run by a physicist and a biologist on a mission to prove that science isn't a snore and can be fun for everyone. iamique was started in an attic in Buenos Aires in 2000, right next to the toolbox and Granny's old wardrobe.

Specifically interested in books with these subjects or themes: science, funny, educational

Main Address: Arcos 4524
Buenos Aires 1425 Argentina
Phone: (54 11) 4774-1460
Fax: (54 11) 4774-1460
Updated 9/29/2008

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Results 1 - 25 of 28     # per page:
Title, Creators, Comments / Reviews Ages Date Published
1. Asquerosologia / Grossology: De La Cabeza a los Pies / From Head to Toe ...
    Author: Carla Baredes, Sylvia Branzei, Ileana Lotersztain
    Illustrator: Jack Keely
(Unknown)  03/30/2005
26 Reviews  
2. Asquerosologia del cerebro a las tripas/ Grossology and You: Del Cerebro...
    Author: Carla Baredes, Sylvia Branzei, Ileana Lotersztain
    Illustrator: Jack Keely
(Unknown)  06/30/2005
11 Reviews  
3. Asquerosologia Del Bano a La Cocina/ Grossology Begins at Home (Spanish ...
    Author: Sylvia Branzei
All Ages 03/2006
1 Reviews  
4. Asquerosologia animal/ animal Grossology (Asquerosologia / Grossology) (...
    Author: Carla Baredes, Sylvia Branzei, Ileana Lotersztain
    Illustrator: Jack Keely
(Unknown)  04/30/2005
6 Reviews  
5. Preguntas que ponen los pelos de punta 3/ Questions That Make Your Hair ...
    Author: Carla Baredes, Ileana Lotersztain
    Illustrator: Javier Basile
(Unknown)  12/30/2004
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6. Por Que Se Rayo La Cebra?/ Why Do Zebras Wear a Prison Uniform?: y otras...
    Author: Carla Baredes, Ileana Lotersztain
(Unknown)  02/28/2006
1 Reviews  
7. por que esta trompudo el elefante?/ Why Are Elephants Nosy?: Y Otras Cur...
    Author: Carla Baredes, Ileana Lotersztain
    Illustrator: Gonzalo Garcia Rodriguez
(Unknown)  03/30/2003
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8. por que se rayo la cebra?/ Why Do Zebras Wear a Prison Uniform?: Y otras...
    Author: Carla Baredes, Ileana Lotersztain
    Illustrator: Gonzalo Garcia Rodriguez
(Unknown)  03/30/2005
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9. por que es tan guapo el pavo real?/ Why Are Peacocks So Handsome?: Y otr...
    Author: Carla Baredes, Ileana Lotersztain
    Illustrator: Esteban Tolj
Ages 4-8 04/30/2004
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10. El Cine No Fue Siempre Asi / The Cinema Wasn't Always Like This (Las Cos...
    Author: Marcelo Cerda, Pablo R Medina, Patricio Fontana
(Unknown)  06/30/2006
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11. El sistema solar del 1 al 10/ Solar System From 1 to 10 (Ciencia Para Co...
    Author: Carla Baredes, Ileana Lotersztain
(Unknown)  03/30/2007
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12. Tu Cuerpo Del 1 Al 10/your Body from 1 to 10 (Ciencia Para Contar) (Span...
    Author: Carla Baredes, Ileana Lotersztain
(Unknown)  03/2006
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13. Dinosaurios del 1 Al 10/ Dinosaurs from 1 to 10 (Ciencia Para Contar/ Sc...
    Author: Carla Baredes, Ileana Lotersztain
    Illustrator: Gustavo Encina
(Unknown)  07/30/2006
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14. Por Que Es Tan Guapo El Pavo Real? / Why Is the Turkey So Handsome?: y o...
    Author: Carla Baredes, Ileana Lotersztain
(Unknown)  02/28/2006
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15. El Bano no fue siempre asi/ Bathrooms Weren't Always Like This (Las Cosa...
    Author: Federico Kukso, Ileana Lotersztain
    Illustrator: Javier Basile
(Unknown)  03/30/2007
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16. Los Libros No Fueron Siempre Asi / Books Weren't Always Like This (Las C...
    Author: Gabriel Glasman
    Illustrator: Javier Basile
Ages 9-12 04/2006
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17. Preguntas que ponen los pelos de punta 1/ Questions that Make Your Hair ...
    Author: Carla Baredes, Ileana Lotersztain
    Illustrator: Javier Basile
(Unknown)  03/30/2004
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18. Esa no es mi cola/ That's Not My Tail (Suenos Curiosos/ Strange Dreams) ...
    Author: Carla Baredes, Ileana Lotersztain
    Illustrator: Luciana Fernandez
(Unknown)  11/30/2005
1 Reviews  
19. Preguntas Que Ponen Los Pelos De Punta 3/questions That Make Your Hair S...
    Author: Carla Baredes
(Unknown)  03/2002
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20. Preguntas Que Ponen Los Pelos De Punta 2/questions That Make Your Hair S...
    Author: Carla Baredes
(Unknown)  03/2001
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21. Preguntas Que Ponen Los Pelos De Punta / Questions That Make Your Hair S...
    Author: Carla Baredes
(Unknown)  02/28/2006
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22. Esas No Son Mis Patas/those Aren't My Legs (Spanish Edition) (Paperback)
    Author: Carla Baredes
(Unknown)  07/2003
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23. Esa No Es Mi Cola/that's Not My Tail (Spanish Edition) (Paperback)
    Author: Carla Baredes
(Unknown)  07/2003
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24. Por Que Es Trompudo El Elefante?/ Why Is the Elephant's Nose So Long?: y...
    Author: Carla Baredes, Ileana Lotersztain
(Unknown)  02/28/2006
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25. Esas no son mis orejas/ Those Aren't My Ears (Suenos Curiosos/ Curious D...
    Author: Carla Baredes, Ileana Lotersztain
    Illustrator: Luciana Fernandez
Ages 4-8 03/30/2004
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