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Gramercy Books

(Imprint of Random House Books For Young Readers)

Gramercy Books is a publisher of children's books. Some of the books published by Gramercy Books include A History of God: The 4,000-Year Quest of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, Illustrated Shakespeare: The Tempest, The Wind in the Willows, and The Legend of Sleepy Hollow.

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Updated 9/28/2008

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All Books   Books by JacketFlap members
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Results 1 - 25 of 287     # per page:
Title, Creators, Comments / Reviews Ages Date Published
1. The Tall Book of Christmas (Hardcover)
    Author: Various
Ages 9-12 10/03/2006
59 Reviews  
2. Tolkien Bestiary (Hardcover)
    Author: David Day
(Unknown)  02/05/1995
204 Reviews  
3. The Wind in the Willows (Hardcover)
    Author: Kenneth Grahame, Rene Cloke
    Illustrator: Rene Cloke
Ages 4-8 09/07/2004
9,727 Reviews  
4. Are You Hungry Tonight?: Elvis' Favorite Recipes (Hardcover) (Unknown)  08/31/1992
66 Reviews  
5. The Little Mermaid (Hardcover)
    Author: Charles Santore, Hans Christian Andersen
    Illustrator: Charles Santore
(Unknown)  08/24/1993
2,235 Reviews  
6. Heidi: Childrens Classics (Hardcover)
    Author: Johanna Spyri
Ages 9-12 12/12/1988
6,920 Reviews  
7. Peter Pan and Wendy (Hardcover)
    Author: J. M. Barrie
Ages 4-8 09/07/2004
68 Reviews  
8. Bulfinch's Mythology (Hardcover)
    Author: Thomas Bulfinch
(Unknown)  12/12/1988
503 Reviews  
9. The World Guide to Gnomes, Fairies, Elves & Other Little People (Hardcover)
    Author: Thomas Keightley
(Unknown)  09/05/2000
42 Reviews  
10. Jane Austen: The Complete Novels, Deluxe Edition (Library of Literary Cl...
    Author: Jane Austen
(Unknown)  09/03/1995
1,301 Reviews  
11. Hans Christian Andersen's Fairy Tales (Hardcover)
    Author: Hans Christian Andersen, Val Biro
Ages 9-12 03/07/2006
34 Reviews  
12. Three Complete Books: The Secret Garden/a Little Princess/Little Lord Fa...
    Author: Frances Hodgson Burnett
(Unknown)  09/25/1995
46 Reviews  
13. The Wit & Wisdom of Abraham Lincoln (Hardcover)
    Author: James C. Humes
(Unknown)  11/30/1999
118 Reviews  
14. Henry David Thoreau: Three Complete Books: The Maine Woods, Walden, Cape...
    Author: Henry David Thoreau
(Unknown)  11/07/1993
8 Reviews  
15. Robert Browning: Selected Poems (Hardcover)
    Author: Robert Browning
(Unknown)  06/01/1994
34 Reviews  
16. The Complete Brothers Grimm Fairy Tales (Hardcover)
    Author: Grimm
Ages 9-12 05/09/1993
4,646 Reviews  
17. Illustrated Shakespeare: The Tempest (Hardcover)
    Author: William Shakespeare
(Unknown)  03/16/1993
2,342 Reviews  
18. A History of God: The 4,000-Year Quest of Judaism, Christianity, and Isl...
    Author: Karen Armstrong
(Unknown)  03/02/2004
2,224 Reviews  
19. The Origin of Species (Hardcover)
    Author: Charles Darwin
(Unknown)  05/22/1995
2,699 Reviews  
20. Pride and Prejudice (Miniature Gramercy Classics) (Hardcover)
    Author: Jane Austen
(Unknown)  06/06/2006
120,658 Reviews  
21. Nursery Rhymes (Hardcover)
    Author: Maude Humphrey
(Unknown)  09/01/1992
1 Reviews  
22. Michelangelo & the Creation of the Sistine Chapel (Hardcover)
    Author: Robin Richmond
(Unknown)  08/05/1995
8 Reviews  
23. The Complete Hans Christian Andersen Fairy Tales (Hardcover)
    Author: Hans Christian Andersen, Lily Owens
(Unknown)  05/10/1993
886 Reviews  
24. Old-Fashioned Girl (Hardcover)
    Author: Louisa May Alcott
Ages 9-12 09/04/1995
1,173 Reviews  
25. Rookie Cookie Cookbook (Hardcover)
    Author: Betty Debnam
Ages 4-8 08/01/2000
3 Reviews  
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