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Grupo Anaya S.A.

Grupo Anaya is a publisher of children's educational books including encyclopedias and dictionaries; video games and computer software

Main Address: Juan Ignacio Luca de Tena 15
Madrid 28027 Spain
Phone: +34 913 938 800
Fax: +34 917 426 631
Updated 3/10/2009

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Results 1 - 25 of 558     # per page:
Title, Creators, Comments / Reviews Ages Date Published
1. El Lazarillo De Tormes (Clasicos a Medida.) (Spanish Edition) (Paperback)
    Illustrator: Isabel Arechabala
(Unknown)  03/30/2006
323 Reviews  
2. Navidad, el Regreso de Eugenia (Paperback)
    Author: Fuencisla Del Amo, Pilar Molina Llorente
(Unknown)  01/01/1994
4 Reviews  
3. Cinco enfados (Sopa De Libros) (Spanish Edition) (Paperback)
    Author: Gabriela Keselman
    Illustrator: Marcelo Elizalde
(Unknown)  07/30/2005
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4. Oscar y el Leon de correos/ Oscar and the Mail Lion (Sopa De Libros, 21)...
    Author: Vicente Munoz Puelles
    Illustrator: Noemi Villamuza
(Unknown)  02/2002
12 Reviews  
5. La Llave de oro y otros cuentos/ The Golden Key and Other Stories (Cuent...
    Author: Jacob Grimm
    Illustrator: Gabriel Pacheco
(Unknown)  10/30/2006
1 Reviews  
6. Romeo Y Julieta/ Romeo And Juliet (Clasicos a Medida / Measure Classics)...
    Author: William Shakespeare
    Illustrator: Alex Kirschner
(Unknown)  04/30/2006
12,997 Reviews  
7. Oyeme Con Los Ojos / Hear Me With Your Eyes (Sopa De Libros / Soup of Bo...
    Author: Gloria Cecilia Diaz
    Illustrator: Chata Lucini
(Unknown)  11/2001
12 Reviews  
8. El caballero de Olmedo / The Gentleman of Olmedo (Biblioteca Didactica A...
    Author: Lope de Vega
(Unknown)  06/1998
13 Reviews  
9. Ranas: Animales en accion (Spanish Edition) (Paperback)
    Author: Lucy Baker
(Unknown)  06/30/2004
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10. Los pinguinos de Mr.Popper / Mr. Popper's Penguins (Spanish Edition) (Pa...
    Author: Richard Atwater
    Illustrator: Robert Lawson
(Unknown)  01/2002
3,352 Reviews  
11. Los tres amigos (Spanish Edition) (Paperback)
    Illustrator: Helme Heine
(Unknown)  06/30/2005
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12. Magali Por Fin Lo Sabe / Magali Finally knows (Sopa De Libros / Books So...
    Author: Patxi Zubizarreta
    Illustrator: Elena Odriozola
(Unknown)  06/30/2005
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13. La cabina m�gica (Hardcover)
    Author: Norton Juster
(Unknown)  01/01/1998
3,299 Reviews  
14. Suena / Dream (Espanol Lengua Extranjera / Spanish Foreign Language) (Sp...
    Author: Maria Angeles Alvarez Martinez, Nuria Perez De La Cruz, Maria Luisa Gomez Sacristan, Ana Blanco Canales
(Unknown)  06/30/2005
2 Reviews  
15. Manual de la Magia (Hardcover)
    Author: Malcolm Bird
Ages 9-12 01/1992
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16. Caperucita Roja, Verde, Amarilla, Azul Y Blanca / Little Red Riding Hood...
    Author: Bruno Munari, Enrica Agostinelli
(Unknown)  06/30/1998
7 Reviews  
17. El Viento En Los Sauces/ The Wind in the Willows (Spanish Edition) (Hard...
    Author: Kenneth Grahame
    Illustrator: Elena Odriozola
(Unknown)  07/30/2006
1,622 Reviews  
18. La celestina / Celestina (Biblioteca Didactica Anaya) (Spanish Edition) ...
    Author: Fernando De Rojas
(Unknown)  06/1998
986 Reviews  
19. El Gran Amor de Una Gallina (Paperback)
    Author: Concha Lopez Narvaez, Juan Ramon Alonso
    Illustrator: Juan Ramon Alonso
(Unknown)  12/1997
1 Reviews  
20. Con los pies en el aire / With your Feet in the Air (Sopa De Libros / So...
    Author: Agustin Fernandez Paz
    Illustrator: Miguelanxo Prado
(Unknown)  02/28/2007
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21. El Mundo De Sofia (Spanish Edition) (Paperback)
    Author: Jostein Gaarder
(Unknown)  06/30/2005
3,496 Reviews  
22. Las raices del mar/ The Roots of the Sea (Sopa De Libros/ Soup of Books)...
    Author: Fernando Alonso
    Illustrator: Juan Ramon Alonso
(Unknown)  03/30/2007
1 Reviews  
23. Antolog�a de la generaci�n del 27 (Paperback)
    Author: Not Available (NA)
(Unknown)  /2001
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24. Don Quijote De La Mancha/ Don Quixote De La Mancha (Clasicos a Medida / ...
    Author: Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra
    Illustrator: Jose Luis Zazo
(Unknown)  06/30/2006
2,978 Reviews  
25. El Casamiento Enganoso Y El Coloquio De Los Perros/ the Deceptive Marria...
    Author: Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra
(Unknown)  06/1998
24 Reviews  
Bestselling order determined by Amazon.com SalesRank(tm)