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John Wiley and Sons - Australia Office

History The company was founded in 1807, during the Jefferson presidency. In the early years, Wiley was best known for the works of Washington Irving, Edgar Allan Poe, Herman Melville, and other 19th century American literary giants. By the turn of the century, Wiley was established as a leading publisher of scientific and technical information. (A more detailed history is available.) President and CEO William J. Pesce, Wiley's tenth President and CEO, was appointed in May 1998. Will joined the company in 1989 and previously served as Chief Operating Officer; Executive Vice President, Educational and International Group; Senior Vice President, Educational and International Group; and Senior Vice President, Educational Publishing. Before joining Wiley, he was President of W.B. Saunders, one of the world's leading medical publishers, in addition to other management and planning positions at CBS when they were a publishing business. He has a MBA in Finance from NYU's Stern School of Business. Stock Exchange/ Ticker Symbols New York Stock Exchange: JWa and JWb. The company went public in 1962 and was listed on the NYSE in 1995. Operations Wiley is a global publisher of print and electronic products, specializing in scientific, technical, and medical books and journals; professional and consumer books and subscription services; and textbooks and other educational materials for undergraduate and graduate students as well as lifelong learners. Wiley publishes in a variety of formats. The company provides "must-have" content to targeted communities of interest. Wiley's deep reservoir of quality content, constantly replenished, offers a tremendous source of competitive advantage. Technology is making this content more accessible to customers worldwide and is adding value for them by delivering it in interactive and/or fully searchable formats. Approximately 25% of global revenue is currently Web-enabled; we expect to increase that figure to about 40% within the next three years. Global Enterprise With about 3,500 employees worldwide, Wiley has operations in the United States, Europe (England, Germany and Russia), Canada, Asia, and Australia. The Company has U.S. publishing, marketing, and distribution centers in New Jersey, California, Virginia, Illinois, Indiana, and Ohio. Wiley's worldwide headquarters are located in Hoboken, New Jersey, just across the river from Manhattan. Wiley content travels well. Approximately 40% of the company's revenue is generated outside the United States.

Specifically interested in books with these subjects or themes: educational, technical, atlases, professional, reference, trade.

Main Address: 42 McDougall Street PO Box 1226
Milton QLD 4064 Australia
Phone: (07) 3859 9755
Fax: (07) 3859 9715
Updated 12/3/2008

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Manuscript SubmissionsPolicy: About the publishing process At Wiley Australia, publishing is a team a... More
Contact Information: Head Office - Brisbane
[email protected]
Updated 5/5/2006
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All Books   Books by JacketFlap members
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Results 1 - 25 of 94     # per page:
Title, Creators, Comments / Reviews Ages Date Published
1. Mathematics for Elementary Teachers: A Contemporary Approach, 9th Editio...
    Author: Gary L. Musser, William F. Burger, Blake E. Peterson
(Unknown)  10/29/2010
21 Reviews  
2. Sports Science: 40 Goal-Scoring, High-Flying, Medal-Winning Experiments ...
    Author: Jim Wiese
    Illustrator: Ed Shems
Ages 9-12 06/11/2002
2 Reviews  
3. The Heart of Mathematics: An Invitation to Effective Thinking, 3rd Editi...
    Author: Edward B. Burger
(Unknown)  11/10/2009
22 Reviews  
4. Janice VanCleave's Guide to More of the Best Science Fair Projects (Pape...
    Author: Janice VanCleave
Ages 9-12 01/24/2000
9 Reviews  
5. Fabulous Fractions: Games and Activities That Make Math Easy and Fun (Ma...
    Author: Lynette Long
    Illustrator: Tina Cash-Walsh
(Unknown)  02/01/2001
5 Reviews  
6. The Math Chef: Over 60 Math Activities and Recipes for Kids (Paperback)
    Author: Joan D'Amico, Karen Eich Drummond
    Illustrator: Tina Cash-Walsh
Ages 9-12 /1997
6 Reviews  
7. 101 Healing Stories for Kids and Teens: Using Metaphors in Therapy (Kind...
    Author: George W. Burns
(Unknown)  10/28/2004
2 Reviews  
8. Eating Right from 8 to 18: Nutrition Solutions for Parents (Kindle Edition)
    Author: Sandra K. Nissenberg, Barbara N. Pearl
(Unknown)  01/25/2002
1 Reviews  
9. Black Stars of Civil War Times (Kindle Edition)
    Author: James Haskins
(Unknown)  12/31/2002
1 Reviews  
10. Faux Paw's Adventures in the Internet: Keeping Children Safe Online (Kin...
    Author: Jacalyn Leavitt, Sally Linford
    Illustrator: J. Chad Erekson
(Unknown)  09/25/2006
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11. Faux Paw Meets the First Lady: How to Handle Cyber-bullying (Kindle Edit...
    Author: Jacalyn Leavitt, Sally Linford
    Illustrator: Sandman Studios
(Unknown)  09/25/2006
4 Reviews  
12. Black Books Galore!: Guide to Great African American Children's Books ab...
    Author: Donna Rand, Toni Trent Parker
(Unknown)  /2001
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13. Janice VanCleave's Guide to More of the Best Science Fair Projects (Pape...
    Author: Janice VanCleave
(Unknown)  01/24/2000
6 Reviews  
14. Tech Girl's Internet Adventures (Girl Tech) (Paperback)
    Author: Girl Tech
Ages 4-8 02/21/1997
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15. Introduction to Engineering (Paperback)
    Author: Paul H. Wright
(Unknown)  01/11/1989
7 Reviews  
16. Vegetation Description and Analysis: A Practical Approach (Hardcover)
    Author: M. Kent, Paddy Coker
(Unknown)  06/19/1992
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17. City in West Europe (Hardcover)
    Author: D. Burtenshaw
(Unknown)  08/12/1981
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18. Basic Concepts of Chemistry (Paperback)
    Author: Leo J. Malone, Theodore Dolter
(Unknown)  06/23/2009
5 Reviews  
19. How to Be A Domestic Goddess (Hardcover)
    Author: Lawson
(Unknown)  02/01/2002
459 Reviews  
20. Angelina and the Princess (Paperback)
    Author: Katharine Holabird
    Illustrator: Helen Craig
(Unknown)  10/1984
8 Reviews  
21. General Chemistry: Principles and Structure (Paperback)
    Author: James E. Brady, Gerard E. Humiston
(Unknown)  03/07/1990
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22. Jump Start Your Business Brain (Paperback)
    Author: Hall
(Unknown)  10/30/2002
43 Reviews  
23. Thomas Edison Book Of Easy & Incredible Experiments - Activities, Projec...
    Author: James G. Cook, Thomas Alva Foundation Edison
(Unknown)  /1988
11 Reviews  
24. Regional Development in Western Europe (Hardcover)
    Author: HD CLOUT
(Unknown)  05/27/1981
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25. Instructor's Resource Guide: Introducing Management [The Wiley/Wall Stre...
    Author: Schermerhorn
(Unknown)  /2000
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