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McRae Books Srl

Co-edition publishers of high quality illustrated non-fiction books for children and adults for the international co-edition market. Subject areas include history, art, religion, nature, science, technology, food and wine, cookery.

Main Address: via del Salviatino, 1
Florence 50016 Italy
Phone: 39 055 599027
Fax: 39 055 599668
Updated 9/30/2007

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Results 1 - 11 of 11     # per page:
Title, Creators, Comments / Reviews Ages Date Published
1. The Animal Atlas (Hardcover)
    Author: Anne Mcrae
    Illustrator: Daniela DeLuca
Ages 4-8 06/01/2008
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2. The Kids' Cookbook: Recipes from Around the World (Hardcover)
    Author: Frances Lee, Karen Ward, Rosalba Gioffre
Ages 4-8 06/01/2008
1 Reviews  
3. The Children's Pictorial Atlas of the World (Hardcover)
    Author: Alison Cooper, Anne Mcrae
    Illustrator: Daniela DeLuca
Ages 4-8 06/01/2008
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4. Everyday Life in Ancient Egypt (Uncovering History) (Hardcover)
    Author: Neil Morris
Ages 4-8 01/01/2008
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5. The Atlas of Ancient Civilizations (Hardcover)
    Author: Neil Morris
    Illustrator: Daniela DeLuca
Ages 4-8 06/01/2008
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6. Everyday Life in Prehistory (Uncovering History) (Hardcover)
    Author: Neil Morris
Ages 9-12 01/01/2008
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7. Everyday Life in Medieval Europe (Hardcover)
    Author: Neil Grant
(Unknown)  /2001
1 Reviews  
8. Dinosaurs (Back to Basics (Fox Chapel Publishing)) (Library Binding)
    Author: Anita Ganeri
Ages 4-8 08/2007
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9. Everyday LIfe in Ancient Greece (Hardcover)
    Author: Cath Senker
(Unknown)  /2002
2 Reviews  
10. New Testament Miracles (Paperback)
    Author: Sean Connolly
(Unknown)  /2004
1 Reviews  
11. Celia the Tiger (It's a Wildlife, Buddy!) (Hardcover)
    Author: Daniela DeLuca
Ages 4-8 07/01/2008
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