Books Melanie tagged with:
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Title, Creators, Comments / Reviews Ages Date Added
1. The Tiger Who Came to Tea (Hardcover)
    Author: Judith Kerr
    Illustrator: Judith Kerr
    Publisher: HarperCollins
Ages 4-8 6/10/2008
Melanie said: Love the idiosyncrasies.
tags: Inspired me , I recommend
531 Reviews  
2. Down the Back of the Chair (Paperback)
    Author: Margaret Mahy
    Illustrator: Polly Dunbar
    Publisher: Frances Lincoln Childrens Books
N/A 6/10/2008
Melanie said: I was at the book launch in 2006, where Margaret Mahy performed the poem live. She has been performing it in her book talks for years on end, but this is the first time it appeared in print.
tags: Inspired me , I recommend
78 Reviews  
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