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Page Co

Page Co is a book publisher. Some of the books published by Page Co include The little colonel, THE LITTLE COLONEL IN ARIZONA, The Three Weavers, and Miss Billy.

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Updated 3/16/2006

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Results 1 - 25 of 147     # per page:
Title, Creators, Comments / Reviews Ages Date Published
1. The Little Colonel's Knight Comes Riding (Hardcover)
    Author: Annie Fellows Johnston
    Illustrator: Etheldred B. Barry
(Unknown)  /1919
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2. Anne of the Island (Anne of Green Gables, 3) (Hardcover)
    Author: L. M. Montgomery
    Illustrator: H. Weston Taylor
(Unknown)  /1915
1 Reviews  
3. The Little Colonel's Knight Comes Riding (Hardcover)
    Author: Annie Fellows Johnston
    Illustrator: Etheldred B. Barry
(Unknown)  /1907
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4. Mary Ware, the Little Colonel's Chum (Hardcover)
    Author: Annie Fellows Johnston
(Unknown)  /1910
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5. The Little Colonel's Hero (Hardcover)
    Author: Annie Fellows Johnston
    Illustrator: Etheldred B. Barry
(Unknown)  /1902
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6. The Little Colonel In Arizona. (Hardcover)
    Author: Annie Fellows Johnston
    Illustrator: Etheldred B. Barry
(Unknown)  /1904
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7. Gabriel and the Hour Book (Hardcover)
    Author: E. Stein
    Illustrator: Adelaide Everhart
(Unknown)  /1927
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8. The Little Colonel Stories: The Little Colonel; The Giant Scissors; Two ...
    Author: Annie Fellows Johnston
    Illustrator: Frank T. and Harold Matthews Brett Merrill
(Unknown)  /1921
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9. Editha's Burglar a Story for Children (Hardcover)
    Author: Frances Hodgson Burnett
    Illustrator: B/w Illustrations By Henry Sandham
(Unknown)  /1931
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10. The Giant Scissors (Hardcover)
    Author: Annie Fellows Johnston
    Illustrator: Etheldred B. Barry
(Unknown)  /1919
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11. The little colonel (Cosy corne series) (Unknown Binding)
    Author: Annie Fellows Johnston
(Unknown)  /1898
3 Reviews  
12. The Little Colonel's Knight Comes Riding (Hardcover)
    Author: Annie Fellows Johnston
(Unknown)  /1916
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13. The Little Colonel in Arizona (Hardcover)
    Author: Annie Fellows Johnston
    Illustrator: Etheldred B. Barry
(Unknown)  01/01/1948
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14. The Little Colonel's Christmas Vacation (Hardcover)
    Author: Annie Fellows Johnston
    Illustrator: Etheldred B. Barry
(Unknown)  /1905
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15. The Little Colonel in Arizona (Unknown Binding)
    Author: Annie Fellows Johnston
(Unknown)  /1914
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16. The Little Colonel's Chum, Mary Ware (Hardcover)
    Author: Annie Fellows Johnston
(Unknown)  /1951
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17. The Three Weavers (Hardcover)
    Author: Annie Fellows Johnston
(Unknown)  /1919
1 Reviews  
18. The Little Colonel At Boarding School (Hardcover)
    Author: Annie Fellows Johnston
(Unknown)  /1945
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19. Miss Billy (Hardcover)
    Author: Eleanor H. Porter
(Unknown)  /1927
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20. Pollyanna Grows Up (2nd Glad Book) (Hardcover)
    Author: Eleanor H. Porter
    Illustrator: H. Weston Taylor
(Unknown)  /1916
2 Reviews
21. The Little Colonel's knight comes riding (The Little Colonel series) (Ha...
    Author: Annie Fellows Johnston
(Unknown)  /1907
1 Reviews  
22. Kilmeny of the Orchard (Hardcover)
    Author: L. M. Montgomery
    Illustrator: George Gibbs
(Unknown)  /1927
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23. The Little Colonel Stories : Second Series (Hardcover)
    Author: Annie Fellows Johnston
    Illustrator: Harold Cue
(Unknown)  /1935
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24. Anne Of Green Gables (Unknown Binding)
    Author: L. M. Montgomery
(Unknown)  /1964
5 Reviews  
25. The Little Colonel in Arizona (Hardcover)
    Author: Annie Fellows Johnston
(Unknown)  /1955
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