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Place in the Woods

Place in the Woods is a publisher of children's books and young adult books. Some of the books published by Place in the Woods include Smile: It's Ok to Be You, Will You Be My Friend: --We Really Are No Different, Bella-The Crooked Hat Witch, and Through Kathryn's Eyes.

Main Address: 3900 Glenwood Ave,
Golden Valley MN 55442 USA
Phone: (763)374-2120
Updated 2/18/2009

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Results 1 - 9 of 9     # per page:
Title, Creators, Comments / Reviews Ages Date Published
1. Bella-The Crooked Hat Witch (Paperback)
    Author: David Villanueva
    Illustrator: Alisa A. Rubino
Ages 4-8 12/30/2004
5 Reviews  
2. African America: Heralding a Heritage (Hidden America) (Paperback)
    Author: Roger A. Hammer
(Unknown)  02/1992
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3. Smile: It's Ok to Be You (Paperback)
    Author: Karen Foster French, Susan E. Brudos
(Unknown)  12/2003
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4. Through Kathryn's Eyes (A poignant, insider's look at teaching) (Paperback)
    Author: Kathryn Smitley
(Unknown)  09/01/1999
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5. Christmas In Ican (Mona and Friends in the Land of Ican) (Paperback)
    Author: Dawn Rosewitz
    Illustrator: Alisa A. Rubino
Ages 4-8 12/30/2004
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6. Wayne's Trail (Mona and Friends in the Land of Ican, 2) (Paperback)
    Author: Dawn Rosewitz
    Illustrator: Alisa A. Rubino, Susan E. Brudos
Young Adult 04/2004
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7. Simon, the Daredevil Centipede: He Learned How to Skate--And Much, Much ...
    Author: Phil Siegel
    Illustrator: Alisa A. Caiarelli
Ages 4-8 04/1998
1 Reviews  
8. The Flying Frog Circus (Mona and Friends in the Land of Ican) (Paperback)
    Author: Dawn Rosewitz
Ages 4-8 01/1998
4 Reviews  
9. Will You Be My Friend: --We Really Are No Different (Paperback)
    Author: Joni J. Downey
    Illustrator: Susan E. Brudos
Ages 4-8 02/2004
1 Reviews  
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