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Presse Pocket

Presse Pocket is a publisher of children's books. Some of the books published by Presse Pocket include Papillon, Notre-Dame De Paris (Pocket Classiques) (French Edition), Le Seigneur Des Anneaux Coffret, and Nana.

Main Address: 264, rue du Faubourg St-Honor�
Paris 75008 France
Phone: (1) 42 67 40 22
Fax: (1) 42 67 29 69
Updated 1/6/2007

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Results 1 - 15 of 15     # per page:
Title, Creators, Comments / Reviews Ages Date Published
1. Papillon (French Edition) (Mass Market Paperback)
    Author: Charriere
(Unknown)  06/2002
2,926 Reviews  
2. Les Trois Mousquetaires (Pocket Classiques) (French Edition) (Mass Marke...
    Author: Alexandre Dumas
(Unknown)  05/20/2009
8,938 Reviews  
3. Candide Ou L'Optimisme: et autres contes (Pocket Classiques) (French Edi...
    Author: Voltaire
(Unknown)  01/14/2010
659 Reviews  
4. Notre-Dame De Paris (Pocket Classiques) (French Edition) (Mass Market Pa...
    Author: Victor Hugo
(Unknown)  09/10/2009
4,813 Reviews  
5. Nana (French Edition) (Mass Market Paperback)
    Author: Emile Zola
(Unknown)  06/2000
107 Reviews  
6. UN Ete Pas Comme Les Autres (Paperback)
    Author: Huguette Zahler
(Unknown)  08/2000
1 Reviews  
7. Le Seigneur Des Anneaux Coffret (French Edition) (Paperback)
    Author: J.R.R. Tolkien
(Unknown)  03/2004
14,985 Reviews  
8. Hannibal (French Edition) (Mass Market Paperback)
    Author: Thomas Harris
(Unknown)  03/2002
1,307 Reviews  
9. Seigneur Des Anneaux Tome 3 (Fiction, poetry & drama) (Vol 3) (French Ed...
    Author: J.R.R. Tolkien
(Unknown)  10/05/1995
1,432 Reviews  
10. Le Comte De Monte Cristo 2 (French Edition) (Mass Market Paperback)
    Author: Alexandre Dumas
(Unknown)  05/06/2010
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11. Smith of Wooton Major (Mass Market Paperback)
    Author: J.R.R. Tolkien
(Unknown)  06/1985
33 Reviews  
12. UN Dessin Pour Harold (French Edition) (Mass Market Paperback)
    Author: Crockett Johnson
Ages 4-8 01/2003
54 Reviews  
13. Le Grinch How the Grinch Stole Christmas (Paperback)
    Author: Dr. Seuss
Ages 4-8 01/2002
501 Reviews  
14. L'Enfance De Ketchup (French Edition) (Mass Market Paperback)
    Author: Norman Bridwell
Ages 4-8 01/2003
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15. Les Miserables (Pocket Classiques) (French Edition) (Mass Market Paperback)
    Author: Victor Hugo
(Unknown)  08/25/2009
202 Reviews  
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