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These are the most recent 10 blog posts mentioning Liz Mills in JacketFlap's Children's Publishing Blog Reader


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About Liz

I was a children's book editor at Scholastic for seven-and-a-half years before I moved to Seattle to work at Cranium Inc. Now I'm striking out on my own as a freelance editor and writer. I have worked in many bookstores, including Wild Rumpus in Minneapolis. Children's books are my passion!
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Liz's Published Works Ages Date Published
Books 1 - 4 of 24 from Liz's published works, View all 24 books
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1. On the Farm Look-and-learn (Hardcover)
    Author: Gallimard Jeunesse, Liz Mills, Sonia Black
    Illustrator: Henri Galeron
    Publisher: Cartwheel
Ages 4-8 03/01/2003
2 Reviews  
2. Clifford's Big Red Ideas (A Special Friend) (Board book)
    Author: Liz Mills
    Illustrator: Josie Yee
    Publisher: Scholastic
Baby to Pre-K 02/01/2003
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3. The Mystery of the Kibble Crook (Clifford the Big Red Dog) (Big Red Read...
    Author: Liz Mills, Norman Bridwell
    Illustrator: Eric Binder, GITA LLOYD
    Publisher: Scholastic
Ages 4-8 01/2002
4 Reviews  
4. Clifford's Teacher's Pets (Paperback)
    Author: Liz Mills
    Illustrator: Norman Bridwell
    Publisher: Cartwheel
Ages 4-8 08/01/2001
8 Reviews  
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Books Recently Added to Liz's Bookshelf Ages Date Added
Books 1 - 3 from Liz's bookshelf
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1. Duck In The Truck (Board book)
    Author: Jez Alborough
    Publisher: Kane Miller Book Publishers
Ages 4-8 1/8/2009
Liz said: I truly love this book. Its the quintessential read-aloud picture book. Rowdy illustrations and rhymes that make you laugh out loud put this book at the top of my list for every kid and duck-lover ev...more
tags: I recommend!!
244 Reviews  
2. The Saturdays (Melendy Quartet) (Paperback)
    Author: Elizabeth Enright
    Illustrator: Elizabeth Enright
    Publisher: Square Fish
Ages 9-12 7/8/2008
Liz said: I first read this in middle school--my dad bought it for me. At the time, I really liked it because the kids felt real, the situations were believable and hilarious, and I loved the idea of a Saturday...more
tags: I'm reading , I read , Inspired me , I recommend
743 Reviews  
3. Two Cool Cows (Hardcover)
    Author: Toby Speed
    Publisher: Putnam Juvenile
Baby to Pre-K 7/8/2008
Liz said: I just found out this book is out of print--rush to abebooks.com and purchase a used copy! This is the quintessential read-aloud. Udderly splashing over with wordplay and hilarity, it's truly a classi...more
tags: I read , Inspired me , I recommend
66 Reviews  
Bestselling order determined by Amazon.com SalesRank(tm)
Profile Comments
Comment by Cheryl Johnson on 2/5/2009 at 3:32 PM:
HI liz! Thank you for your nice comment.I have a web site too, and hopefully it's up by now, my son took it down to fix the buttons.If it's not, try back in a few days. www.cheryllynnejohnson.com I have lived seven miles from Pgh my whole life. My passion is painting animals. If you would lik... more
Comment by erin sharp on 4/25/2008 at 3:35 PM:
hi Liz...thanks so much for the kind words!
It looks like you've found your niche.
Seattle's a great place to live too, hey?

keep on sharing the love,
Comment by Eric Hammond on 3/11/2008 at 4:57 PM:
Hello, Liz.
Welcome to JacketFlap.

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