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These are the most recent 10 blog posts mentioning Bren MacDibble in JacketFlap's Children's Publishing Blog Reader


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About Bren

Hi JacketFlappers, I'm a children's writer of all things wacky, funny and SF. I have ten children's books published and loads of other mag/emag/nonfic publications. There's a bibliography at my website where I keep track of these things:
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Bren's Blog: The Beast of Moogill - Recent Posts
11/6/2011QWC/Allen & Unwin Manuscript Development Program
This is what a Queensland Writers Centre/Allen & Unwin Manuscript Development Program looks like:More or less, but usually not with pizza.This is who was there:Sophie Overett, Felicity Carter, Terri Green, Cathy McLennan, Sally Rippin, Erica Wagner,... Read the rest of this post
9/7/2011Great News!
This is a fairweather blog and the sun is shining again.I was lucky enough to be given a spot in the Allen & Unwin/QWC Manuscript Development program to work on my children's novel "Rocket". It involves a long weekend in Brisbane working with... Read the rest of this post
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Bren's Published Works Ages Date Published
Books 1 - 4 of 10 from Bren's published works, View all 10 books
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1. Go, go gecko (Paperback)
    Author: Bren MacDibble
    Publisher: Blake Ed
N/A 01/01/2010
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2. No fishing (Paperback)
    Author: Virginia Gray, Bren MacDibble
N/A 01/01/2010
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3. Anchovy circus (Paperback)
    Author: Connah Brecon, Bren MacDibble
N/A 01/01/2010
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4. Ernest's Mice Mischief: Honestly Ernest! /cBrenda MacDibble ; Illustrate...
    Author: Bren MacDibble, Brendan Jones, Brenda MacDibble
N/A 01/01/1999
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