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Russell&Russell Pub

Russell&Russell Pub is a book publisher. Some of the books published by Russell&Russell Pub include Ideas of good and evil, Evening Post a Century of Journalism, Germany and the French Revolution.

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Updated 12/29/2008

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Results 1 - 20 of 20     # per page:
Title, Creators, Comments / Reviews Ages Date Published
1. The Evening Post: A Century of Journalism (Hardcover)
    Author: Allan Nevins
(Unknown)  01/01/1968
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2. Germany and the French Revolution (Textbook Binding)
    Author: G. P. Gooch
(Unknown)  01/2000
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3. The Evening post;: A century of journalism (Unknown Binding)
    Author: Allan Nevins
(Unknown)  /1968
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4. The Evening post : a century of journalism. (Paperback)
    Author: Allan Nevins
(Unknown)  /1968
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5. Sarah Whitcher's Story. (Textbook Binding)
    Author: Elizabeth Yates
(Unknown)  06/1967
4 Reviews  
6. John Webster and the Elizabethan Drama. (Hardcover)
    Author: Rupert Brooke
(Unknown)  /1967
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7. John Webster & the Elizabethan drama. (Paperback)
    Author: Rupert Brooke
(Unknown)  /1967
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8. Germany and the French Revolution (Unknown Binding)
    Author: G. P. Gooch
(Unknown)  /1966
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9. English newspapers;: Chapters in the history of journalism (Unknown Bind...
    Author: H. R. Fox Bourne
(Unknown)  /1966
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10. Germany and the French Revolution (Paperback)
    Author: G. P. Gooch
(Unknown)  /1966
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11. English Newspapers: Chapters in the History of Journalism (2 volumes set...
    Author: H. R. Fox Bourne
(Unknown)  /1966
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12. English Heroic Play (Hardcover)
    Author: Lewis Nathaniel Chase
(Unknown)  /1965
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13. Tragic drama in Aeschylus, Sophocles, and Shakespeare : an essay. (Paper...
    Author: Lewis, Campbell
(Unknown)  /1965
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14. The Dramatic Art of Lope De Vega Together With La Dama Boba (Hardcover)
    Author: Rudolph Schevill
(Unknown)  /1964
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15. The dramatic art of Lope de Vega, together with La dama boba. (Paperback)
    Author: Rudolph Schevill
(Unknown)  /1964
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16. A history of English prosody, from the twelfth century to the present da...
    Author: George Saintsbury
(Unknown)  /1961
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17. John Webster & the Elizabethan drama (Unknown Binding)
    Author: Rupert Brooke
(Unknown)  /1967
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18. A History of English Prosody From the 12th Century to the Present Day. ...
    Author: George Saintsbury
(Unknown)  /1961
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19. Ideas of good and evil (Hardcover)
    Author: William Butler Yeats
(Unknown)  /1967
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20. Evening Post a Century of Journalism (Textbook Binding)
    Author: Allan Nevins
(Unknown)  06/1968
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