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Silver Moon Press

A children's book publisher with nearly 50 titles in such areas as science, multiculture, biographies, and historical fiction.

Specifically interested in books with these subjects or themes: test preparation, science, multiculture, biographies, historical fiction

Main Address: 381 Park Avenue South
New York NY 10016 United States
Phone: (800) 874-3320
Fax: (212) 802-2893
Updated 2/23/2009

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All Books   Books by JacketFlap members
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Results 1 - 25 of 79     # per page:
Title, Creators, Comments / Reviews Ages Date Published
1. Brothers of the Falls (Adventures in America) (Library Binding)
    Author: Joanna Emery
    Illustrator: David Erickson
Ages 9-12 03/01/2004
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2. Drums at Saratoga (Stories of the States) (Library Binding)
    Author: Lisa Banim
Ages 4-8 10/1993
4 Reviews  
3. Ezra Jack Keats: A Biography With Illustrations (Library Binding)
    Author: Dean Engel, Florence B. Freedman
Ages 9-12 01/1995
23 Reviews  
4. Ride for Freedom: The Story of Sybil Ludington (Heroes to Remember) (Lib...
    Author: Judy Hominick, Jeanne Spreier
Ages 4-8 11/2001
1 Reviews  
5. A Silent Witness in Harlem (Mysteries in Time, 10) (Library Binding)
    Author: Eve M. Creary
    Illustrator: Marianne O'Loughlin
Ages 9-12 01/2002
2 Reviews  
6. Told Tales: Nine Folktales from Around the World (Family Ties) (Library ...
    Author: Josepha Sherman
    Illustrator: Jo-Ellen Bosson
Ages 4-8 08/1995
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7. Ambush in the Wilderness (Adventures in America) (Library Binding)
    Author: Hope L. Killcoyne, Kris Hemphill, Nicolas Debon
Ages 4-8 06/2003
3 Reviews  
8. Leo Politi: Artist Of The Angels (Hardcover)
    Author: Ann Stalcup, Leo Politi
Ages 9-12 11/30/2004
12 Reviews  
9. Drums at Saratoga (Stories of the States) (Paperback)
    Author: Lisa Banim
Ages 4-8 04/1995
6 Reviews  
10. America's War of Independence: A Concise Illustrated History of the Amer...
    Author: DAVID RUBEL
Ages 9-12 07/1993
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11. East Side Story (Stories of the States) (Paperback)
    Author: Bonnie Bader
Ages 4-8 04/1995
13 Reviews  
12. The Lost Village of Central Park (Mysteries in Time) (Library Binding)
    Author: Hope Lourie Killcoyne
    Illustrator: Mary Lee Majno
Ages 9-12 10/1999
8 Reviews  
13. Voyage of the Half Moon (Stories of the States) (Paperback)
    Author: TRACEY WEST
Ages 4-8 04/23/2000
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14. Spy in the King's Colony (Mysteries in Time) (Paperback)
    Author: Lisa Banim
    Illustrator: Tatyana Yuditskaya
Ages 9-12 11/1998
3 Reviews  
15. Secret Along the St. Mary's (Mysteries in Time) (Library Binding)
    Author: Virginia B. Troeger
    Illustrator: Michael-Che Swisher
Ages 9-12 10/2003
1 Reviews  
16. The Hessian's Secret Diary (Mysteries in Time Series) (Paperback)
    Author: Lisa Banim
    Illustrator: James Watling
Ages 9-12 11/1998
3 Reviews  
17. Night Raiders Along the Cape (Mysteries in Time) (School & Library Binding)
    Author: Donald Williams, John Frederick Waters
    Illustrator: Donald Williams, John Frederick Waters
Ages 9-12 11/1997
1 Reviews  
18. Treason Stops at Oyster Bay (Mysteries in Time) (Library Binding)
    Author: Anna Leah Sweetzer
Ages 9-12 04/1999
3 Reviews  
19. Techno Lab: How Science Is Changing Entertainment (Science Lab) (Library...
    Author: Robert Sheely, Carol Anderson
Ages 9-12 09/1995
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20. Sports Lab: How Science Has Changed Sports (Science Lab Series) (Library...
    Author: Robert Sheely, Louis Bourgeois
Ages 9-12 06/1994
1 Reviews  
21. Voyage of the Half Moon (Stories of the States) (Library Binding)
    Author: TRACEY WEST
Ages 4-8 12/1999
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22. Race to Kitty Hawk (Adventures in America) (Library Binding)
    Author: Annelle Rigsby, Edwina Raffa
Ages 9-12 06/2003
3 Reviews  
23. Thunder on the Sierra (Adventures in America) (Library Binding)
    Author: Kathy Balmes
    Illustrator: Vicki Catapano
Ages 9-12 02/2001
1 Reviews  
24. A Spy in the King's Colony (Mysteries in Time) (Library Binding)
    Author: Lisa Banim
    Illustrator: Tatyana Yuditskaya
Ages 9-12 07/1994
4 Reviews  
25. A Message for General Washington (Stories of the States) (Paperback)
    Author: Vivian Schurfranz
Ages 9-12 06/30/2004
1 Reviews  
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