Publisher Information
Soundprints Corp Audio
Whether your children are fascinated by life in the blue ocean, or the green grass of their own backyards, Soundprints storybooks, read-along audiobook and adorable stuffed toys offer something to delight every child. Soundprints is a small, closely knit family. There are nine employees in the executive, sales and creative offices in Norwalk. Downstairs in the same building are the warehouse, packing and shipping operations. Summer may find everyone out back having a picnic overlooking the river behind the building... brainstorming.
Specifically interested in books with these subjects or themes: children's storybooks, read-along audiobooks and plush toys with natural science theme
Main Address: |
353 Main Avenue Norwalk CT 06851-1552 USA | Phone: 203 846-2274 x103 |
Fax: 203 846-1776 | ||
Updated 11/17/2008 |
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