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Thistledown Press

Thistledown Press is a publisher of children's books and young adult books. Some of the books published by Thistledown Press include Return To Bone Tree Hill, The Snow Queen, The Alchemist's Daughter, and The Mystery of the Graffiti Ghoul.

Main Address: 633 Main Street
Saskatoon Saskatchewan S7H 0J8 Canada
Phone: (306)244-1722
Fax: (306)244-1762
Updated 1/19/2007

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Manuscript Submissions
Contact Information: Allan Forrie
Thistledown Press
633 Main Street
Saskatoon Saskatchewan S7H 0J8
Updated 11/21/2006
All Books   Books by JacketFlap members
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Results 1 - 25 of 81     # per page:
Title, Creators, Comments / Reviews Ages Date Published
1. The Snow Queen (Kindle Edition)
    Author: Eileen Kernaghan
(Unknown)  09/15/2013
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2. Cheesburger Subversive (Paperback)
    Author: Richard Scarsbrook
Young Adult 05/05/2003
18 Reviews  
3. Weeds and Other Stories (Paperback)
    Author: Jacqueline Pearce
Young Adult 10/25/2006
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4. Wild Talent (Kindle Edition)
    Author: Eileen Kernaghan
(Unknown)  03/31/2014
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5. The Snow Queen (Mass Market Paperback)
    Author: Eileen Kernaghan
(Unknown)  11/01/2006
13 Reviews  
6. Paradise Caf� and Other Stories (Paperback)
    Author: Martha Brooks
Young Adult 10/25/2006
2 Reviews  
7. Keeper of the Mountains (Paperback)
    Author: Shirlee Smith Matheson
Young Adult 04/28/2000
1 Reviews  
8. Return to Bone Tree Hill (Perfect Paperback)
    Author: Kristin Butcher
Young Adult 03/30/2009
10 Reviews  
9. The Mystery of the Missing Will (Mass Market Paperback)
    Author: Jeni Mayer
Ages 9-12 01/22/2007
1 Reviews  
10. The Alchemist_s Daughter (Paperback)
    Author: Eileen Kernaghan
Young Adult 10/25/2006
7 Reviews  
11. The Mystery of the Graffiti Ghoul (Chan Mysteries) (Paperback)
    Author: Marty Chan
Ages 9-12 04/01/2006
7 Reviews  
12. Breathing Soccer (Paperback)
    Author: Debbie Spring
Ages 9-12 03/07/2008
5 Reviews  
13. Kayak, The (Paperback)
    Author: Debbie Spring
(Unknown)  03/30/2010
6 Reviews  
14. The Adventures of Caraway Kim . . . Right Wing (Paperback)
    Author: Don Truckey
Ages 9-12 09/30/2008
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15. Soldier Boys (Mass Market Paperback)
    Author: David Richards
Ages 4-8 08/19/1993
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16. Takes: Stories for Young Adults (Paperback) Ages 9-12 06/07/1996
2 Reviews  
17. Mystery Of The Mad Science Teacher (Chan Mystery) (Paperback)
    Author: Marty Chan
Ages 9-12 09/30/2008
1 Reviews  
18. Dance of the Snow Dragon (Paperback)
    Author: Eileen Kernaghan
Young Adult 05/15/1995
1 Reviews  
19. Firedrake (Mass Market Paperback)
    Author: Ann Ewan
Young Adult 10/03/2002
3 Reviews  
20. The Youngest Spy (Paperback)
    Author: Barry McDivitt
Ages 4-8 05/30/2007
2 Reviews  
21. Offside (Mass Market Paperback)
    Author: Cathy Beveridge
Young Adult 10/25/2006
2 Reviews  
22. Big Burn (Mass Market Paperback)
    Author: Lesley Choyce
Ages 4-8 05/15/1995
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23. The Mystery of the Frozen Brains (Chan Mysteries) (Paperback)
    Author: Marty Chan
Ages 9-12 04/21/2004
2 Reviews  
24. Featherless Bipeds (Paperback)
    Author: Richard Scarsbrook
Young Adult 04/01/2006
1 Reviews  
25. The Serpent Bride (Paperback)
    Author: K. V. Johansen
Young Adult 10/25/2006
1 Reviews  
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Video teaser of Kristin Butcher's newest novel Return to Bon...