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Univ of Washington Pr

Univ of Washington Pr is a book publisher. Some of the books published by Univ of Washington Pr include Raven Steals the Light, The Diaries of Hans Christian Andersen, The Dust of Life: America's Children Abandoned in Vietnam, and King: The Bullitts of Seattle and Their Communications Empire.

Main Address: P.O. Box 50096
Seattle WA 98145-5096 USA
Phone: (206) 543-4050
Fax: (206) 543-3932
Updated 11/14/2007

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Manuscript Submissions
Contact Information: Julidta Tarver
Acquisitions Editor (Environmental Studies, Western History )
Univ of Washington Pr
P.O. Box 50096
Seattle WA 98145-5096
[email protected]
Updated 11/14/2007
Contact Information:Ms. Marianne Keddington-Lang
Acquisitions Editor (Western History, Environmental Studies, Native American Studies)
Univ of Washington Pr
P.O. Box 50096
Seattle WA 98145-5096
[email protected]
Updated 11/14/2007
Contact Information:Mr. Michael Duckworth
Executive Editor (International Studies, American Ethnic Studies, Architecture, Jewish Studies)
Univ of Washington Pr
P.O. Box 50096
Seattle WA 98145-5096
[email protected]
Updated 11/14/2007
Non-Fiction Submissions
Contact Information:Ms. Lorri Hagman
Senior Editor (Asian Studies, Cultural and Environmental Anthropology)
Univ of Washington Pr
P.O. Box 50096
Seattle WA 98145-5096
[email protected]
Updated 11/14/2007
All Books   Books by JacketFlap members
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Results 1 - 15 of 15     # per page:
Title, Creators, Comments / Reviews Ages Date Published
1. Stories for Little Comrades: Revolutionary Artists and the Making of Ear...
    Author: Evgeny Steiner
(Unknown)  11/1999
1 Reviews  
2. Washington State (Hardcover)
    Author: Charles Pierce LeWarne
(Unknown)  09/2003
8 Reviews  
3. Washington State (Hardcover)
    Author: Charles Pierce LeWarne
Young Adult 09/1993
2 Reviews  
4. The Diaries of Hans Christian Andersen (Hardcover) (Unknown)  09/1990
1 Reviews  
5. Tales and Stories by Hans Christian Andersen (Hardcover)
    Author: Hans Christian Andersen, Patricia L. Conroy
(Unknown)  11/1980
1 Reviews  
6. Raven Steals the Light (Hardcover)
    Author: William Reid, Robert Bringhurst
(Unknown)  10/1984
7 Reviews  
7. King: The Bullitts of Seattle and Their Communications Empire (Hardcover)
    Author: O. Casey Corr
(Unknown)  10/1996
7 Reviews  
8. The Dust of Life: America's Children Abandoned in Vietnam (Hardcover)
    Author: Robert S. McKelvey
(Unknown)  10/1999
9 Reviews  
9. The Raven Steals the Light (Paperback)
    Author: William Reid, Robert Bringhurst
(Unknown)  08/1988
12 Reviews  
10. Living With a Brother or Sister With Special Needs: A Book for Sibs (Pap...
    Author: Donald J. Meyer, Patricia Vadasy
(Unknown)  03/1991
3 Reviews  
11. Japanese Americans: From Relocation to Redress (Paperback)
    Author: Roger; Taylor, Sandra C.; International Conference On Relocation And Re Daniels
(Unknown)  /1994
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12. Company Towns of the Pacific Northwest 2003 publication (Paperback)
    Author: Linda Carlson
(Unknown)  /2003
1 Reviews
13. Don Quixote De LA Mancha (Audio Cassette)
    Author: Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra
(Unknown)  06/1986
100 Reviews  
14. Raven Steals the Light (Hardcover)
    Author: William Reid
(Unknown)  12/1984
7 Reviews  
15. Globe Radio Repertory Presents Don Quixote De LA Mancha: A Classic for O...
    Author: Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra
(Unknown)  06/1986
103 Reviews  
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