Trailer for Dylan's Tale, the second book in Harry Porter's Dog Tales series, with illustrations by Mandy Hedrick, and published by 4RV Publishing LLC. Follows on from the award winning Tilly's Tale and relates the story of Bedlington Terrier, Dylan, who began life being abused and treated with great cruelty, eventually finding love and happiness in the home of author Harry Porter and his family. This endearing and uplifting book is available now from 4RV Publshing LLc, or from Amazon and all good booksellers. For more information see or
Trailer for Dylan's Tale, the second book in Harry Porter's Dog Tales series, with illustrations by Mandy Hedrick, and published by 4RV Publishing LLC. Follows on from the award winning Tilly's Tale and relates the story of Bedlington Terrier, Dylan, who began life being abused and treated with great cruelty, eventually finding love and happiness in the home of author Harry Porter and his family. ...
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Harry Porter on 2/25/2011
Publisher: 4RV Publishing
Author: Harry Porter
Illustrator: Mandy Hedrick
All Ages
Date published: 2/15/2011