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Watermark Publishing

Watermark Publishing is a Honolulu, Hawaii, book publishing company specializing in books about Hawaii -- from sports stories to children's books, pocket guides to coffee table books, biographies to cookbooks.

Main Address: 1088 Bishop St., Ste. 310
Honolulu HI 96813 USA
Phone: 808-587-7766
Fax: 808-521-3461
Updated 2/1/2009

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All Books   Books by JacketFlap members
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Results 1 - 8 of 8     # per page:
Title, Creators, Comments / Reviews Ages Date Published
1. Eddie Wen Go: The Story of the Upside-Down Canoe (Hardcover)
    Author: Marion Lyman-Mersereau
    Illustrator: Melissa Desica
All Ages 06/01/2008
2 Reviews  
2. Wordsworth the Poet (Hardcover)
    Author: Frances Kakugawa, Francis Kakugawa
    Illustrator: Scott Goto
Ages 9-12 08/01/2003
2 Reviews  
3. Gecko & Mosquito (Hardcover)
    Author: Melissa Desica
Ages 4-8 06/01/2007
3 Reviews  
4. Wordsworth Dances the Waltz (Hardcover)
    Author: Frances Kakugawa
    Illustrator: Melissa Desica
Ages 4-8 05/01/2007
4 Reviews  
5. Old McDonald-San's Farm (Paperback)
    Author: Michael Schmicker
    Illustrator: Tony Kenyon
Ages 9-12 10/15/1997
1 Reviews  
6. Big League Survivor (Paperback)
    Author: Benny Agbayani, Shayne Fujii
(Unknown)  11/01/2000
1 Reviews  
7. Eddie Wen Go: The Story of the Upside-Down Canoe [Hardcover] (Unknown Bi...
    Author: Marion Lyman-Mersereau
(Unknown)  /2008
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8. Big League Survivor (Paperback)
    Author: Benny Agbayani, Shayne Fujii
(Unknown)  /2000
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