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Results 1 - 17 of 17
1. The Next Big Thing Meme

The fabulous Lori M. Lee tagged me for this one! I'm going to cheat a bit and tell you about both my about-to-be-published book and my WIP, because ERMAHGERD, guys, I'm so excited for both of them. Okay? Okay.

(Side note: those of you who have added my book on Goodreads, THANK YOU, but that isn't the official Goodreads page. My publisher didn't make it. And whoever did mixed me up with another author, so...yeah. Not me. I'll let you guys know when there's a book to add--it'll be around the time that I get to share my title with all of you!)


Still can't tell! But I CAN tell you that I submitted it as FOR EVERY LIFE, which is a reference to Newton's Third Law of Motion, and I CAN tell you that the title of my WIP is MEMENTO MORI, which is Latin for "remember you will die." Mori is also the name of my protagonist (who's dying. Shocker, huh?)




UNTITLED (we'll just call it that for now--isn't it easier?) actually began as two short stories--one about an abandoned imaginary friend, and one about a girl who tries to commit suicide. UNTITLED is their lovechild. I'm not sure where the ideas for the two original short stories came from, but I knew there was a connection between them and I knew I wanted to develop that connection into a full-length novel.

MEMENTO, on the other hand, has been sitting in the back of my mind for...a year? Two? I don't remember where the idea came from, or when I got it, but I remember thinking, "I have to write this story. I have to." 


UNTITLED is YA contemporary with a touch of magical realism. MEMENTO is YA contemporary with a touch of ice cream (or a lot of ice cream).


Something about UNTITLED: there are no descriptions of the character's appearances. None. I want people to be able to see themselves in Liz and Kennie and Julia. I want them to be able to see their friends. I want the characters to be anyone, everyone. So no actors :)

As for MEMENTO....I don't know I'm just really bad with actors and stuff okay LEAVE ME ALONE


UNTITLED is about a girl who tries to end her short and catastrophic attempt at life, told from the perspective of her abandoned imaginary friend.

MEMENTO MORI is about a girl with half an immune system, a boy with half of his muscles, a cat named Schrödinger, and the road trip they take to solve the paradox of life.


UNTITLED is coming out in fall of 2014 from Greenwillow/HarperCollins. MEMENTO MORI is not currently under contract.


I wrote the first draft of UNTITLED during NaNoWriMo 2012--so, a month. I'm actually super proud of that, mostly because November was a rough month for me, and I was under word count the entire time. I managed to pound out something like 13K in the last two days. Then I revised for about two months, and it sold the following February.

As for MEMENTO...well. I've been drafting for the last four months or so, and I have about another 15K to go.



MEMENTO: Hmmm....I'm not sure. My CP says it reminds him a bit of THE FAULT IN OUR STARS, except, you know, far less AMAZEBALLS.


"Isn't this basically the same as question #2?"

Lori's answer, which I'm seconding. 


UNTITLED is told by an imaginary friend, which opened up these incredible options for the story. The story is actually told in a non-linear fashion--there are three main times: a countdown from seven days before Liz crashes her car, a countdown of the hour before Liz crashes her car, and the day after Liz crashes her car. And there's a chapter with eleven words. I love that chapter.

In MEMENTO, Mori has written letters to the dead for as long as she can remember, and the book is actually her last notebook of letters. Among the addressees: Maurice Sendak, Gregory Peck, Nannerl Mozart, Georgiana Cavendish, and, of course, Schrödinger. I really love playing around with narration (have you noticed?)

I'm tagging fellow Greenwillow author Chessie Zappia, whose book ASK AGAIN LATER sounds totally amazefrackingballs and Mark O'Brien, because he's working on this new MS that I want everyone to be excited about. Take it away, guys!

2 Comments on The Next Big Thing Meme, last added: 9/11/2013
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2. Tag, I'm It!

Ack! I usually just ignore these things but my good friend KimberlyBuggie was the tagger, so I can hardly say no, can I? She's just too cute! And she's surrounded by bunnies... Irresistible.

So, here goes:

1. How did you get into blogging?
I taught myself HTML... it must have been 1997? I was heavily into Buffy the Vampire Slayer and ended up creating my own website where I reviewed episodes and quoted the show (but only food-related quotes!) Eventually I moved on to reviewing books, music, movies, and just blogging about everyday life. I found that I liked focusing on a single aspect as it was too much work to keep up with everything else and still hold down a job, so I picked my favorite topic--books!

2. What fictional character would you most want to be best friends with?
Alexia Tarabotti from Gail Carriger's Soulless series. But I look awful in hats, so Ivy can continue to hold that post.

3. What fictional world would you like to visit for one day? As character or as yourself?
Ixia/Sitia from Maria V. Snyder's Study and Glass books! In fact, if you read Sea Glass (Glass, Book 2) I'm already there. (Thanks, Maria :) Best bookseller credit ever! I am an ACTUAL fictional character, not just by name--that's really ME! haha!)

4. How do you buy the majority of your books? Indie book store? Larger chain or Internet retailers?
I used to work for Borders, so I don't buy from Barnes & Noble unless I have a good reason, like attending a signing. I try to balance buying from Amazon (for my Kindle, and for great savings) as well as Book Depository (for foreign books and giveaways) with buying from my local indies: Vroman's, Once Upon a Time, and Mrs. Nelson's. I also really super-love The Last Bookstore in L.A. I know I probably shouldn't support big bad Amazon, but let's face it--I'm not made of money, and buying full-price is expensive! I try to spend at least $20 at each of my indies per month. 

5. Do you buy a book based on its cover?
Heck yes. I've been suckered once or twice, but most of the time the inside is as good as out. Like Entwined by Heather Dixon, gorgeous!

6. What does your TBR pile look like? (Picture?)
Ohmyword. Let's see if I can get them all in.

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3. The one where I answer questions...

I've been tagged by Brenda to answer the questions below: I am to tag 8 other people, who in turn will (should they choose to accept this mission) mention the person who tagged them, and answer the questions below (you may change any question that you do not like and replace it with a question of your own.)

Okay, I tag Natalie, Katherine, Katey, Danette, Carrie, Kim, Adrienne, Mary.

What are your nicknames? Oh dear - none current, thank the lord. Though I was called 'Percy' in primary school (how hideous is that) because - watch out serious imagination at play here - the gardener on the TV show 'Blue Peter' was called Percy Thrower and my surname was (and is) Gardner. And worse I did have a wee (ahem!) spell of 'Garden Peas' because I may have lost control of my bladder - but I was only small.

What game show and/or reality show would you like to be on? 'I'm a Celebrity Get Me Out of Here' - which would be rather difficult as I'm not a celebrity. And my reason - so I can spend some time with the cool presenter dudes Ant and Dec (sorry to all who don't know who they are - their fame has probably not spread beyond the UK).

What was the first movie you bought in VHS or DVD? How am I supposed to remember something like that? Okay, I can say for certain the first movie I ever taped was 'The Breakfast Club', but my first purchased VHS. Erm, I'm going to go for 'Pretty in Pink'. I was a mega John Hughes fan.

What is your favorite scent? If we're talking perfume than it has to be 'Angel', otherwise - here's where I sound like an arsonist - it's burnt matches (I could sniff them for England) and possibly burnt anything. When I was little I used to sniff Firelighters. Oh, and I should add not in a getting high way, though it would explain alot.

If you had a million dollars that you could only spend on yourself, what would you do with it? Buy a fantastic house with a swimming pool, or if that wouldn't cover it then a fantastic swimming pool with a wee house. P.S. I can't swim.

What one place have you visited that you can't forget and want to go back to? Las Vegas. There's nowhere on Earth like it.

Do you trust easily? Yes - which is not necessarily a good thing.

Do you generally think before you act, or act before you think? 100% Act before I think.

Is there anything that has made you unhappy lately? Having to do extra hours at work. Boo!

Do you have a good body image? Ha!

What is your favorite fruit? Banana.

What websites do you visit daily? Graveside Tales Forum, Verla Kay Boards, Blogs, Google News.

What have you been seriously addicted to lately? Maltesers and the internet.

What kind of person do you think the person who tagged you is? Helpful, Friendly, Knowledgeable, and Talented.

What's the last song that got stuck in your head? Let's Dance by David Bowie - because it's on an advert that keeps playing; though my usual staples are 'The Sun Will Come out Tomorrow' (from Annie) or 'On this beautiful winter's morning' (from Scrooge).

What's your favorite item of clothing? I don't have one.

Do you think Rice Krispies are yummy? Erm, they're okay.* Beginning to wonder if this meme is for kids.

What would you do if you saw $100 lying on the ground? Think "Crap, I wish it was a £100."

What items could you not go without during the day? Mascara, eyeliner, chocolate, more eyeliner, water, my computer, a pen, a notebook, more chocolate.

What should you be doing right now? Ahem! Writing. But then, this is sort of writing.

6 Comments on The one where I answer questions..., last added: 9/18/2008
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4. Tagged!

I was tagged by [info]elmarshall, so here goes! :)

What were you doing 10 years ago?

Ooh, let's see. I was graduating from fifth grade and preparing to move from Tennessee to Illinois.

What are 5 things you need to do today?

1. Keep working on my PR plan for TAKE THE REINS.
2. IM session with a friend
3. Finish INK EXCHANGE so I can finally get back to work! :)
4. Walk 2 miles
5. Send a magazine query follow up

What are some snacks you enjoy?

* Crackers (esp. of the cheesy variety)
* Cherries
* Heart to Heart cereal (dry)
* Gum (does that count?!)

What would you do if you were a billionaire?

* Hire a hot gardener a la Desperate Housewives.
* Get a garden.
* Buy a log cabin in a rural area where it snows.
* Build a new wing at my local Humane Society
* Contribute to stem cell research.

What are 3 bad habits?

1. I worry about everything! Plus, I read into stuff that doesn't require it.
2. I'm a hopeless work a holic. Can't stop.
3. I'm a TV junkie. I could leave the TV on all day if Global Warming wasn't a cause for concern.

Name 5 places you have lived

Goodlettsville, TN
Ocala, FL
Effingham, IL (Okay, really Dieterich, but no one has heard of that town!)
Waynesboro, VA
Springfield, TN

What are 5 jobs you've had?

* Freelancer for magazines
* Staff writer for FSView & Florida Flambeau
* graduate assistant at College of Engineering at FSU
* Webmistress and foster parent (as a volunteer) for Humane Society
* Freelance poetry and magazine article editor

Thanks for tagging me, Em! This was so fun! I tag anyone who wants to play!

0 Comments on Tagged! as of 5/15/2008 11:35:00 AM
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5. I've Been Tagged!

My wonderful friend and brilliant artist, Sherry Rogers, has tagged me! I guess I'm supposed to spill 5 revealing pieces about me across the page of my blog. Not very splashy...but here goes!

1. My hands constantly do a "control z" motion when I'm HAND sketching and make a mistake.
2. I love my dogs and cat but am allergic to them so I vacuum and sweep alot! I have waged war on the dust bunnies in my house and they are still winning...one day I will learn the secret and publish a book on how to exterminate the varmints....
3. I don't like foofoo coffee but I go to Starbucks almost every afternoon and get a Venti-sized regular coffee with shots of sugar free vanilla. I always take my sketchbook...it's my little afternoon getaway from the dogs until the weather gets warmer!
4. I love to crochet and just joined a knitting group that meets at Starbucks every Monday night...I am hoping they re-teach me to knit. These ladies are talented!
5. Small-town living (when you come from the city) can be a challenge for me. Some days it drives me up the wall...and then I have to go to our very small Starbucks and get a shot of something that reminds me of more populated areas!

Darn...when I look back at what I just wrote it looks like I spend most of my time away at Starbucks....

By the way...I truly believe God rocks...even in Danville, VA!


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6. TAGGED...by a great friend...

So, here we go again. My good friend Sherry Rogers tagged me and invited me to play along with 5 random things about me.
Should be easy...most of my life has been random lately.

1.) If they let me, I would draw and paint 24/7. But they ( the BIG THEY..husband, dog, cat, mother ) insist on eating regularly.

2.) I have ALWAYS loved snow! Until this year. We have had a winter of snow, ice, mix, over 90 inches of it. And of course, as I type this ...it is snowing...hard. Enough already!

3.) Chocolate. ( many of you will understand why this only requires one word )

4.) I can't watch TV without a sketch pad and pencil in hand.

5.) I dream in vivid color. (I'll bet you do too!) And since we are on the subject of dreams, I often drive someplace in my dreams, park my car and am unable to find it when I look for it. There may be a meaning in this, but often even in my dreams I will tell myself I can't find the car because I am, in fact, dreaming. And I will STILL continue to look for the car. Go Figure!

Since this is a circle of fun I am tagging,

Kate Reitz

Paige Keiser

Nancy Lefko

Isay Hansen

Bron Smith

Play along if you all have some time.

3 Comments on TAGGED...by a great friend..., last added: 3/12/2008
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7. I've been tagged...

I had prepared most part of this post a couple of days ago but i couldn't think of a 5th thing. today i found something to say.


I've been tagged once more. The first time can be read here The second time, I don't remember who tagged me, I was too busy, i said I was sorry and didn't do it. I really am sorry whoever it was. Now I've been tagged again by Mellanie aka Genxster. It's hard to think about what what write, luckily this time it's only 5 things.
  1. when i did the glasses EDM challenge last year i used somebody else's to draw, now I've got my own...=( Anyway they are not for correction but to relax my eyes and to prevent the computer screen's rays... i went on vacation last month for 5 days to the sea. As I got a digital camera since a few months ago I took a few photos being there, only about.... 400, in 5 DAYS!!! imagine if i had stayed for two weeks...
  2. in march i'll be starting art school! i don't know what will come out of it but at least I'll start. i don't know how to explain the level but it's after secondary school but it's less than university. The first thing I'll have to learn is to do what I'm told, cause up to now, being mostly "self taught" I know and do what I want to do, though the results can be outrageous! That's why I'd like to start from scratch.
  3. during the years i got used to get asleep later and later, but now it's really impossible, today i got asleep at about 6 AM. I don't know how i'll do to take classes in the morning as my plan is, the first weeks will be a problem till i can get to bed early. hope i'll manage that...
  4. yesterday night i went to dine out with my friend Karina after the classes. we were walking along one of the most important avenues in the capital, when we found the CD with my drawing on the cover is in the record stores. i had a funny feeling when i saw it there. the first time being published in my own country... Now, here's a list of 5 artists, who should tell 5 facts about themselves and tag other 5 artists. If you don't want to play or cannot, it's just fine. Now I'm going to your blogs and let you know. have fun!
  • My good friend, encouraging and soooo brave woman, Marta
  • My favourite watercolour artist, and also a very good friend, Casey (returning an old favour..hahaha)
  • An interesting blog to visit, with wonderful sketches by Maria - Depict
  • Sam, who's got a wonderful set of sketches and gesture drawings
  • Laurel, whose sketch blog I found by chance google-ing for some sketch of Diana Rigg's series "Mrs. Bradley's Mysteries"

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8. Tagged

I was tagged by Varenia Jensen recently for 7 things about me. I was reading Becky's new blog today and decided to post my own rubber ducky. And then it occurred to me I could tell you about it along with telling you some things about me.

1. First of all this ducky came in a tiny kit that was given to a friend's grandma on the airplane when visiting from England. I think it also came with a tiny toothpaste and other things like that. This grandma was not interested in the kit, possibly because poor eyesight precluded much enjoyment of such tiny things. So the friend received the kit and then gave it to me because I love kits. And tiny things. Preferably things with a purpose, not just knick-knacks. Not that this duck has a purpose but I've always wanted one and never had much room so having the smallest one ever was kind of convenient.

2. Speaking of not having much room, there's a reason for all the organization you're seeing on my blog. I've always lived in a pretty small space. Before this house, my husband and I shared a 400-square-foot condo. And we did quite well, but everyone thought we were crazy and now that we're ensconsed in a palatial 600-square-foot house I quite agree.

3. Anyway back when we were living in the condo a certain small visitor of ours, perhaps at the age of 3, discovered this rubber ducky on a visit to the bathroom. Played with it for a bit then pocketed it and took it home. I didn't notice until I got a call from her dad who mentioned that she had the ducky and would be returning it. Now there a couple things about me here that I could tell you.

4. First of all, I did things like that All The Time when I was little. Just weird little errors in judgment. Such as the time I cut off all my eyelashes (because I thought the eyelash stubble would feel interesting - which it did) and was barred from using scissors for ages. Which was a real punishment for someone who loved cut and paste as much as I did.

5. Second of all, I was quite sympathetic and thought she should just keep the ducky and she was welcome to it. But I knew that wasn't allowed because she had to learn the Lesson. Don't Go To Someone's House, Find Something You Like, Pick it Up and Take it Home. Anyway now that it's been returned and a couple of years have gone by maybe I can give it back to her now. Which is what I wanted to do it the first place and shows you I'd be hopeless at teaching such lessons.

6. Which brings me to another thing about me. I still have the thing. I'm not really attached to it anymore but I wouldn't just throw it out. In general I do get attached to things and can't let them go. But I'm getting better and lately I've been giving all kinds of things away. I think it's part of being Anthea Turnered, or generally influenced by all those tidying & decorating shows. And it does feel really good, because you appreciate the things you have, the space and being able to find things.
7. And finally in case you think my place is looking really incredibly organized and nice, believe me, those are the pictures I'm showing you, and there are still plenty of things still lying around waiting to be sorted out. And the house still needs tons of work that we can't really afford to do right now - for example you can see in the picture above, a giant (1970s?) washing machine that we have crammed into our bathroom. There's really nowhere else to put it and it's such an eyesore.

So here's who I'm tagging:
1. the sweetie pie press
2. toronto craft alert
3. seams likely
4. hazeljoy
5. hey lucy
6. bamboo sticks
7. hurrayic

Here's the rules:
1. Link to your tagger and post these rules on your blog.
2. Share 7 facts about yourself on your blog, some random, some weird.
3. Tag 7 people at the end of your post by leaving their names as well as links to their blogs.
4. Let them know they are tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.

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9. Tagged!

I have been tagged by my friend Andi Butler! This might be the toughest tag yet! I do not "do well" with lists of my favorite movies, music, television. I do have favorites of course, and I do love entertainment, and I am passionate about the ones I love, like most of us... BUT... it's... just... so... hard... to... CHOOSE!!!!

SO, with this in mind, I have compiled a list of movies that I really love, past and present, goofy and serious (although mostly goofy ;) ), and in no particular order. And I cannot say that these are my *Favorite 25 Of All Time*, because, you know, I'm like the wind.

So herewith, Kathy's List Of Pleasing Movies Numbered At 25...

Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery
Kill Bill Vol. 1
The Departed
A Christmas Story
Sixteen Candles
Finding Neverland
Miss Potter
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
Sunset Boulevard
All About Eve
Mildred Pierce
The Bad Seed
Death Proof
The Shining
The Others
Best In Show
Any Given Sunday
The Devil Wears Prada
Casino Royale
Bourne Identity

After the fact list...
You knew it'd happen...here are some of the movies I forgot about, that I love as well:

Notes on a Scandal

Now I have to tag people!!

Linda O'Neill (Abby Creek Art) , Rebecca Collins (Art Paw), Jamie Pflughoeft (Cowbelly Pet Photography), Nicole Falk (Halloweenville) and Nancy MacCallum (Nancy Rosetta Jewelry)... Read the rest of this post

2 Comments on Tagged!, last added: 12/15/2007
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10. 7 Weird/Random facts About Me

I have been tagged by Joh at johblogs. I’ve never been tagged before, but figure I’ll give it a go. Here’s how it works: Link to the person that tagged you, and post the rules on your blog. Share 7 random and/or weird facts about yourself. Tag 7 random people at the end of your post, and include links to their blogs.Let each person know that they’ve been tagged by leaving a comment on their

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11. Tagged, eight things.

I was tagged this week by Donna  Farrell...
Here are the rules:
Each player lists 8 facts/habits about themselves. The rules of the game are posted at the beginning before those facts/habits are listed. At the end of the post, the player then tags 8 people and posts their names, then goes to their blogs and leaves them a comment, letting them know that they have been tagged and asking them to read your blog.

1. It took me a while to say that I am a children’s author and illustrator but now that I own it I am ready (read: salivating) for the elusive book contract.
2. There are plenty of days that I want to run away from being a mother but then I see my beautiful children smiling when they are truly having fun, or all lit up from learning and discovery, or radiating this amazing glow of peaceful innocence when they sleep and I know I’m in it for the long haul.
3.  I used to think I was a country girl but recently I’ve been longing for public transportation, local grocery stores, and neighbors. This causes disequilibrium with my wonderful farmer-at-heart husband but we’ve made it 14 years and there’s at least another 40 to go. Maybe a year or two in Boston or New York or even Madison, or St. Paul would allay this urge.
4. More than anything, I want to go to art school. (Some paying illustration jobs would be a close second.)Why? I achieve at a higher level when I am completing assignments and surrounded by honest critique. I am also longing for a period of time when I can be totally selfish and being a student is deliciously selfish. I wish I knew in college what I know now about myself.
5. I am trying to decide if I need an MFA, in art? in writing for children? or is it just another stupid piece of paper that doesn’t mean anything?
6.  I need to get a day job for financial reasons. While I am an educator at heart and experience, I get leaping frogs of doom in my stomach when I imagine going back to teach in a public school situation. Thinking of staff meetings where no one wants to try anything new, no child left behind testing and paperwork, and huge numbers of students to manage and assess, makes me want to cry.
7. I’m a piler not a filer and I hate housework. My mother gave me the I-can’t-get-rid-of-paper-gene. Thanks, Mom.
8. I’m afraid that I won’t be able to find 8 blogging friends who haven’t already tried this so I'll go with four.

Let's try... Tami, Mona, Val, and Kristen W.

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12. I've Been Tagged!

I've been tagged by one of my favorite children's artists! Thank you Sherry Rogers for bringing me out of a busy week to play :)

Here are the rules: Each player lists 8 facts/habits about themselves. The rules of the game are posted at the beginning before those facts/habits are listed. At the end of the post, the player then tags 8 people and posts their names, then goes to their blogs and leaves them a comment, letting them know that they have been tagged and asking them to read your blog.

1. I'm 5'-6 1/2" tall (or short if I stand next to Sherry or my 6' daughter, Kellie or 6'3" son Mike!)

2. I love the outdoors - especially running trails & cycling. Our small town of Danville, VA has a great mountain biking and paved trail system.

3. I love to drive - my 5 year old Tribute has 123K on it and still counting!

4. I am struggling with a jelly-bean addiction (do you know of any 12 step programs?)

5. I'm happily married to my first childhood kiss (it will be 2 years in August). It took me 2 weeks to get up the courage to kiss him on his 13th birthday! I'm so glad he grew a few inches over the years...I was always taller back then!

6. My favorite place to be is sitting on the beach at sunrise...wrapped up in a blanket with a great cup of coffee...having my daughter there makes it perfect.

7. I think it's cool that God loves me as I am...geekiness and all...but I know I can do better.

8. I love to write and someday hope to have a few books authored and illustrated by yours truly :)

I am tagging these people:

Mike R Baker
Karen Lee
John Nez

3 Comments on I've Been Tagged!, last added: 6/23/2007
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13. Tagged by Sherry

I've been tagged by Sherry.
Here are the rules:Each player lists 8 facts/habits about themselves. The rules of the game are posted at the beginning before those facts/habits are listed. At the end of the post, the player then tags 8 people and posts their names, then goes to their blogs and leaves them a comment, letting them know that they have been tagged and asking them to read your blog.
Here are my facts.
I am 5' 8.5 inches tall (just like Sherry!)
I have a twin sister who is also an illustrator (her artwork is astounding..and she is the one who inspired me to be an artist when we were younger)
I am married with 3 kids
I was born in Ansonia, Conneticut
I played the cello and the piano in middle and high school
I lived in La Paz, Bolivia for nearly 5 years where our first son was born
I enjoy the freezing cold water of Maine more than the warmer waters of the mid-atlantic (we vacationed in Maine for many summers when I was young)

I'll be tagging some folks later today.

1 Comments on Tagged by Sherry, last added: 6/11/2007
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14. Seven Things I was tagged by Gerry and Mike R Bak...

Seven Things

I was tagged by Gerry and Mike R Baker . I tell you seven things about myself, then tag seven other people. Here goes:

I am 5ft tall. A while ago, a little girl who looked about four came up to me to ask where my mummy and daddy were. She looked quite confused when I said that I was with my husband!

I can't drive. Our family never owned a car when I was growing up. I kept thinking I would learn one day, but never got around to taking lessons.

I love collecting old things that are a little worn and shabby. They carry history and mystery and I'm charmed by that.

I can't stand the taste of celery. People always insist that it doesn't have much flavour but if I detect the tiniest amount in a salad, I won't be able to eat it.

I used to read a lot of horror books when I was younger (I did have to turn the covers of the books face down when I was trying to sleep). Now for some reason I can't read them or watch horror movies. And the worst ones for me are zombie movies - they make my skin crawl just thinking about them.

I have one pixie ear and one normal ear.

Before moving to Montreal and even thinking of making a living as an illustrator, I visited a palm reader called Acora in England. He told me that I was moving across the water really soon, and that I would illustrate children's books. He also said I would have an only son. Now that guy was good! :)

I am tagging

10 Comments on Seven Things I was tagged by Gerry and Mike R Bak..., last added: 6/17/2007
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15. I got tagged! Weird things about me...

Okay, my first time tagged by Debbie Egizio, fellow artist girl! It's an honor just being nominated. Here are 7 weird things about me...

1. I see dead people and animals. Okay, I actually hear them, and see spirits as little blinks of light and movement. Sometimes it's a real pain like when I am shopping at estate sales. Sometimes it's a real blessing when I am able to connect folks to their animals and relatives in my work. It's been a big blessing when my Mom visits. :)

(Okay, that was a big weird thing!)

2. When I feel out of control and crazy, I obsess over my website and redo, redo, redo, redo! Hee hee. I guess it's blatant OCD in some ways, but when I'm done I usually have a nice headache and I'm calmed down a bit. My husband will see me at the computer with my face all red and say, "Oh yeah, you are obsessing again, eh?"

3. I love the feel of things! When I was little, I loved to feel the smooth bed sheets. I love petting my dogs. I love cashmere sweaters. You get the idea. I'm very tactile!

4. I love order. My house can be a pigsty, but if everything is in nice piles and in its place, I'm happy. It's the Capricorn thing, I'm sure.

5. Like Debbie, I always have a huge pile of books by my bed. I'd probably buy books over food, clothes or anything else. I think I even have! I just love to read. Love to learn.

6. My church is Barnes and Noble. My family--we call it that. "Let's go to our sacred place!"

7. I hate to cook. I think because I'm lousy at it, but I'd rather go off and draw. I have like two meals I can do--meatloaf and spaghetti. Luckily, my husband is a much better cook and we take turns cooking.

That wasn't too weird, right? I tag Flyboy, Thatgrrl, Ascender, Theresa, and Reema.

11 Comments on I got tagged! Weird things about me..., last added: 5/30/2007
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Well, it's finally happened...I've been tagged. Not once, but twice. All in one day!! First, I was tagged by poppycatsaffron and then artandghosts

Now, the idea is to:

--List seven random facts/habits about yourself
--Choose another seven bloggers to tag and list their names in your blog
--Leave your seven tagged bloggers comments to notify them of their tagging along with directions.

Since I was tagged twice, I am going to list 14 random facts/habits about myself, but I am only going to tag 7 people. I don't even think I know 14 taggable bloggers!!

1. I play guitar and have my own Fender Telecaster.

2. When I think to myself, I sometimes visualize the words that I am thinking being typed out on a typewriter.

3. I start each morning with only 1 quarter, 1 dime, 1 nickel and 1 penny in my wallet. Everything else goes in a big jar. At the end of a year, we use the money to buy our Disneyland annual passes.

4. My kids are my best friends.

5. The very first collage I ever made was in first grade. It was called "yellow" and it included a duck and a tube of Vaseline hand lotion.

6. I have OCD, but I have it under control and am no longer on any meds.

7. I am saving my money to buy the complete DVD set of "Dark Shadows".

Here's my second set of 7 random facts/habits about myself:

1. I collect spotted pigs.

2. I have "Benign Positional Labyrinthitis". Basically, my ears are off balance and I take prescription Dramamine every morning so I don't get dizzy. It gets worse when the barometer is unstable.

3. I have dreams about some of the "characters" in my vintage photos.

4. When I was a very young girl, I believed a kitten lived inside the Jacaranda tree outside of my bedroom window. I can clearly remember talking quietly to the kitten in the tree.

5. I love cheese!

6. If I could go anywhere in the world on a dream vacation, it would be to Wales.

7. When I was a teen-ager, I wrote lots of suggestive poetry.

Okay, that about does it for me. After learning some of my deep, dark secrets, will you still visit my blog??

Now I have to tag 7 people. Let me say that it's quite fun to stop and take a good look at yourself, but if you truly don't want to participate, please don't feel pressured. This is just simple fun!!

I tag ~~

Blue Jude


Marie's Muses


The Blue

Keep Your Panties On

Wild Thread Studio

Alrighty ~ there's my 7 victims !!


Until Tomorrow:
Garden Painter Art
Kim's Kandid Kamera

7 Comments on I'VE BEEN TAGGED TWICE !!, last added: 5/7/2007
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17. Wierd Tagging

I've been tagged by Allison.
The rules are: Each person who gets tagged needs to write a blog post telling 6 weird things about themself... as well as clearly state the rules. After you state your 6 weird things, you need to choose 6 people to be tagged and list their names. Don't forget to leave a comment that says "you're tagged" in their comments and tell them to read your blog for information as to what it means."Go to her blog to see the instructions...
Here are the results of 6 wierd things about me. (only SIX?) Any other artists/writers reading this probably have some of the sensitivity issues.....
1. When I read anything, or even see things on movies or TV dealing with specific smells, I tangibly smell them. This can be wonderful, but also pretty disgusting at times. Sometimes it happens when I see things in movies or on TV.
2. If someone has an ache or pain, and tells me about it, I can usually feel it the way they have it, such as headaches, I'd feel it in the same area, and stomach aches, in the way they feel it, or pains in the back, etc. (this is not fun with upset stomach situations or other stomach issues.If someone in a car or vehicle even mentions feeling car sick, I am done for, even if I was fine for hours before. When my kids mention feeling sick, I feel sick immediately, but I do not vomit when someone else does, thankfully.
3. I detest wearing flat shoes unless I am in an uncommonly thin stage. I feel like a fat duck when wearing flat shoes, unless they are running shoes.
4. I can't stand having anything over my ears that would clog them or stop me from hearing, such as ear plugs. I have a mania about having to be able to hear clearly. I'm also extremely sensitive to noise, and excess noise, or off-key singing or offkey, jarring musical instruments.
5.I love to find wierd images in anything..whether it is patterns on the floor of my bathroom, or on the backs of dumptrucks when I'm stuck in traffic, or cloth, stains, etc. And I sometimes enjoy dirty images, such as metal grills on the road, rusted things (not eyesores) broken down barns, spattered stained trucks (what is it about trucks?)
6. I sometimes snort when I laugh, and unfortunately have laughed at a few inappropriate times without being able to help it. Thankfully I can cover it up enough not to hurt people..but it is terrible.
OK. Now I am going to tag:


1 Comments on Wierd Tagging, last added: 2/3/2007
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