A New Kind of Hero
Book Description
The attack on Fort Ticonderoga. George Washington is appointed general of the American army. The Second Continental Congress. The Battles of Breeder and Bunker Hill.
War has come to America and the Liberty's Kids find themselves on the frontlines of America's battle for independence. At the meeting of the Second Continental Congress in Philadelphia, George Washington is appointed general in c... More
War has come to America and the Liberty's Kids find themselves on the frontlines of America's battle for independence. At the meeting of the Second Continental Congress in Philadelphia, George Washington is appointed general in c... More
Book Information
Publisher | Grosset & Dunlap |
Binding | Hardcover |
Reading Level | Ages 9-12 |
# of Pages | 128 |
ISBN-10 | 0448432684 |
ISBN-13 | 978-0448432687 |
Publication Date | 11/2004 |
The Creators
About Flying Carnies (Illustrator) : Flying Carnies is a published illustrator of children's books. A published credit of Flying Carnies is A New Kind of Hero (Liberty's Kids).
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Reader Comments
12/16/2010 Yael Smith said: Is there anyone that has the book? If so please let me know
Thanks Yael
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