The Secret Life of a Snowflake: An Up-Close Look at the Art and Science of Snowflakes
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Book Description
Before a snowflake melts on your tongue, it makes an epic journey. This is the beautiful, full-color story of that journey, step by step, from a single snowflake's creation in the clouds, through its fall to earth, to its brief and sparkling appearance on a child's mitten. Told by a scientist who knows snowflakes better than almost anyone, the story features his brilliant photographs o... More
Book Information
Publisher | Voyageur Publishing Company (TN) |
Binding | Hardcover (3 editions) |
Reading Level | Ages 9-12 |
# of Pages | 48 |
ISBN-10 | 0760336768 |
ISBN-13 | 978-0760336762 |
Publication Date | 01/01/2010 |
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