The Life of David Belasco
Book Description
This historic book may have numerous typos, missing text or index. Purchasers can download a free scanned copy of the original book (without typos) from the publisher. 1918. Not illustrated. Excerpt: ... INDEX TO VOLUME ONE B.=Davi A Abbey, Henry Eugene (Am. th. man.: 1848-1896): plans to pro- duce S. Morse's "Passion Play" In N. Y., 122. Abbey's New Park Th., N. Y., burned, 122. Academy of Music,...
MoreThis historic book may have numerous typos, missing text or index. Purchasers can download a free scanned copy of the original book (without typos) from the publisher. 1918. Not illustrated. Excerpt: ... INDEX TO VOLUME ONE B.=Davi A Abbey, Henry Eugene (Am. th. man.: 1848-1896): plans to pro- duce S. Morse's "Passion Play" In N. Y., 122. Abbey's New Park Th., N. Y., burned, 122. Academy of Music, N. Y.: Sal- vini's first Am. appearance at, 59. "Across the Continent" (play): B. acts in, 104. Acting: schools of and teaching of--the subject critically consid- ered, 348, et teq. Actors: early, in Calif., 131. Adams, Annie (Asenath Annie Adams--Mrs. James Kiskaden-- Mrs. Harvey K. Glidden: Am. actress: 1849-1916): 62. Adams, Edwin (Am. actor: 1834- 1877): in S. F., 90; 204. Adams, John (actor): 133. Adams (Kiskaden), Maude (Am. actress: 1872-19--): 62. "Adolph Challet" (play): 237. "adrea" (tragedy): 477. "Adrienne Lecouvreur" (play): 103. "Agnes" (play): 105. "Aladdin No. 2; or, The Wonder- ful Scamp" (burlesque): 37; 221. Alberta, Laura (Am. actress): B. acts with, in S. F., 49; 74; 229. Albery, James (Eng. dramatist: 1838-1889): 336. Aldricb, Louis (Moses Lyon: Am. actor: 1843-1901): 345; good act- ing by, 346; sketch of, 347, et Belatco. Allemany, Archbishop, of S. P.i approves "The Passion Play," 116. Allen, Charles E. (actor): 36. Allen, Charles L. (lawyer): 390. Allen, Charles Leslie (Am. actor: 1830-1917): 382. "All the Comforts of Home" (farce): 375. "Alpine Roses" (play): 279; 280. Alta California," "The (S. F. newspaper): notice in, quoted re "Passion Play," 118. Amberg, Gustav (Ger.-Am. th. man.): 251. "american Born" (melod.): writ- ten--and produced--cast of, 257, et teq.; 260; 261; 269; 270; 276. American Theatre, S. F.: Julia Dean, lessee of, 7. "Amy Robsart" (play): 210. Anderson, David H. (Am. actor: 1814-1884): 36. "Andrea" (plav): 311. Andrews, Lillian (Am. actress): 187. Apostate," "The (tragedy): 94; 160. "Armadale" (Collins' novel): dramatizat...
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