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4 out of 5
Based on 20 Ratings and 7 Reviews

Book Description
A delightful tale for adults and children alike, BIG- ENOUGH is the story of a cowboy and a cow horse, born on the same day, who together grow "big-enough for most anything." Young Billy was a born cowboy - unfortunately, his parents have other aspirations for him and send him off to be "educated and turned into something else." But one day Billy takes his horse, Big- Enough, and departs to purs... More
Book Information
PublisherMountain Press Publishing Company
BindingPaperback (15 editions)
Reading LevelUncategorized
# of Pages281
Publication Date12/1997
The Creators
About Will James (Author) : Will James is a published author and an illustrator of children's books. Some of the published credits of Will James include Smoky the Cow Horse, Lone Cowboy My Life Story, Cow country.
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About Gwen McKenna (Editor) : Gwen McKenna is a published author of children's books. A published credit of Gwen McKenna is William Henry Jackson: Framing the Frontier.
View Gwen McKenna's profile
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