McGuffey's fifth eclectic reader
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Book Description
RULE III.--Avoid sounding incorrectly the unaccented vowels.
Incorrect Correct Incorrect Correct ---------- ----------- ------------ ------------ Sep-er-ate sep-a-rate Mem-er-ry mem-o-ry met-ric-ul met-ric-al up-pin-ion o-pin-ion up-pear ap-pear prup-ose pro-pose com-per-tent com-pe-tent gran-ny-lar gran-u-lar dum-mand de-mand par-tic-e-lar par-tic-u-lar ob-stur-nate ob... More
RULE III.--Avoid sounding incorrectly the unaccented vowels.
Incorrect Correct Incorrect Correct ---------- ----------- ------------ ------------ Sep-er-ate sep-a-rate Mem-er-ry mem-o-ry met-ric-ul met-ric-al up-pin-ion o-pin-ion up-pear ap-pear prup-ose pro-pose com-per-tent com-pe-tent gran-ny-lar gran-u-lar dum-mand de-mand par-tic-e-lar par-tic-u-lar ob-stur-nate ob... More
Book Information
Publisher | Gordon Press |
Binding | Hardcover (39 editions) |
Reading Level | Uncategorized |
# of Pages | 352 |
ISBN-10 | 0879681446 |
ISBN-13 | 978-0879681449 |
Publication Date | /1974 |
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